Beyonce The Demonic Truth about Sasha Fierce

Many in the entertainment industry are communicating with evil spirits that are deceiving them into believing that they are the spirit of past human personalities. The Bible is very clear as to what these “spirit guides” really are. They are demons sent to deceive mankind into hell, they follow the orders of their master Satan the fallen Lucifer. Dont be apart of this passing world that will be judged very soon. Separate yourselves from her.

Buchveröffentlichungen von Lars A. Fischinger seit 1996

Liebe Freunde und Interessierte! 1989 begann ich als “Autor des Phantastischen” – Im Sommer 1996 erschien so mein erstes und längst überholtes Buch … dem bis heute zahlreiche weitere Arbeiten folgten und noch weitere folgen werden/sollen. Hier nun die Buchveröffentlichungen von mir seit 1996. Ich nehme auch sehr gerne Themen-Anregungen für diesen Channel via eMail entgegen. Danke! Alles über mich findet Ihr bei Interesse umfangreich auf dieser Seite meines BLOGs: Herzlich grüßt, Euer Lars A. Fischinger PS: Ich habe ein Buch vergessen …

5 Crazy In Love – The Birth of Sasha Fierce Who is Sasha Fierce? According to Beyonce, Sasha Fierce was born when she did Crazy in Love. We will look at what is revealed about the birth of Sasha Fierce in this video, including how she came to be and how she relates to Beyonce. View the entire playlist here: COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Video contains excerpts of video or image media used for nonprofit, educational purposes only under the “fair use” provision of US Code, Title 17, section 107.

5 I Am Sasha Fierce Who is Sasha Fierce? And what does her identity have to do with understanding why Beyonce is with Jay-Z? View the entire playlist here: COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Video contains excerpts of video or image media used for nonprofit, educational purposes only under the “fair use” provision of US Code, Title 17, section 107.