2010-06-01 1st Journal ♥ TRANSCRIPT: www.scribd.com ♥ iTunes podcast www.itunes.com ♥ Blip.tv channel theresaaharvey.blip.tv Intro: What shall I discover in the journal process, today? I never know, you know. It’s ever a surprise, a present, in its bright package, waiting to be unwrapped. Like just this morning, there came an impulse to first go online, to check the eMail and the statistics on whose reading and watching my work. I looked at that. Normally, I would just overrule such an impulse, for I treat my mornings as sacred, given over most purely to Source, as much as I can. (It seems somehow easier to do this in the mornings, when the day has not yet ‘gotten a hhold on you,’ so to speak, the phone hasn’t rung, etc.) So, there I sat, with that impulse, just looking at it. One never knows, you know. It doesn’t pay to think you know something, because then you will shortly find yourself in a rut, acting just from the mental mind, and not from any true motivation or intuition. So, here I sat, looking at that impulse, to see from whence it had arisen, and if it was worthy of following. As I settled deeper into heart for this, just feeling it out, I didn’t find that it was echoed there. I didn’t find that it resonated with the closer contact with Source, so I rejected it. Sorry if this is boring for some, but I’m aware of others whom it could assist in tuning in for themselves to their own intuition. I don’t tell you for me. I don’t need you to know. So anyway, what is …
Tag: Journal
William Black on Alex Jones Tv 4/5:Former Federal Regulator Tells All !!
William K. Black, the former senior regulator who cracked down on banks during the savings and loan crisis of the 1980s and appeared recently on the Bill Moyers Journal www.infowars.com www.law.umkc.edu
William Black on Alex Jones Tv 2/5:Former Federal Regulator Tells All !!
William K. Black, the former senior regulator who cracked down on banks during the savings and loan crisis of the 1980s and appeared recently on the Bill Moyers Journal www.infowars.com www.law.umkc.edu
William Black on Alex Jones Tv 1/5:Former Federal Regulator Tells All !!
William K. Black, the former senior regulator who cracked down on banks during the savings and loan crisis of the 1980s and appeared recently on the Bill Moyers Journal www.infowars.com www.law.umkc.edu