Staged Shootings: A Precursor to NATO/UN Takeover with 10 FEMA Regions

On this Monday, August 6 edition of the Alex Jones Show, host Mike Adams dissects the Sikh shooting in Wisconsin, its telltale military attributes, and the attempt by the government and the corporate media to connect it to supposed white supremacists and characterize it as domestic terrorism. He looks into the eerie similarities between this shooting and the Aurora, Colorado mass shooting two weeks ago. [Support infowars and spread the news]

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Wake Up Part 9

Wake Up Part 9 My Web Jordan Maxwell New World Order Star of David Masonic Symbolism Freemasonry Freemason Illuminati One World Government MK Ultra Mind Control Trauma Based Bohemian Groove Owl Ritual Moloch Nortern California KKK All Seeing Eye John Todd Hollywood The Industry Exposed Zionist Alex Jones Death Cults CFR Trilateral Commision Bilderberg Zeitgeist New Age Deception Network 1976 Bill Hicks George Carlin 13 lluminati Bloodlines Robert Welch John Birch Society

Wake Up Part 11

Wake Up Part 11 My Web Special thanks to Jordan Maxwell New World Order Star of David Masonic Symbolism Freemasonry Freemason Illuminati One World Government MK Ultra Mind Control Trauma Based Bohemian Groove Owl Ritual Moloch Nortern California KKK All Seeing Eye Hollywood The Industry Exposed Zionist Alex Jones Death Cults CFR Trilateral Commision Bilderberg Zeitgeist New Age Deception Symbolism Media 666 satanism a ok occult Jesuit The Beatles Davinci Code Jack Black Lady Gaga Tenacious D And The Pick Of Destiny

Wake Up Part 12

Wake Up Part 12 My Web Jordan Maxwell New World Order Star of David Masonic Symbolism Freemasonry Freemason Illuminati One World Government MK Ultra Mind Control Trauma Based Bohemian Groove Owl Ritual Moloch Northern California KKK All Seeing Eye Hollywood The Industry Exposed Zionist Alex Jones Death Cults CFR Trilateral Commission Bilderberg Zeitgeist New Age Deception Symbolism Media 666 Number of the beast Satanism a OK occult Jesuit Glenn Beck Jay-Z Lucifer HP Aleister Crowley Bill Cooper Masonic Handsign Scottish rite Skull N Bones History Channel Hackers 9-11