This is a quote from Albert Einstein’s book, “Out of My Later Years.” I think it sums up my own outlook on humanity. Here’s the text of the entire quote: A human being is part of a whole, called by us “universe,” a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest… a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few …
Tag: light
FurnaceFire-coming soon!
Hey all!! I’m starting up some new educational vidz regarding the mass awakening! It’s time to wake up folks! … peace love truth music MoToR Canada justice usa america “jordan maxwell” ufo’s light WoW “all cap’s name” police “process servers” law water food health children
Super Third Eye Activation – Pineal Gland Activation
Mystery School Greek Mystery Religion tarot divinity channeling alien spirit extra dimensional being Hyper dimensional being Mars truth face on mars the singularity 2012 singularity Alien UFO fleet LOVE 11:11 Photon Belt Dimension Ascension Awakening 2012 Nibiru Galactic Alignment Merkaba Pleiades 23 pyramids sphinx alien atalntis chakras ufo spirituality enlightenment lemuria dna god divine vibration frequency alchemy kaballah crop circles mother ships 14 october terrence meckena michael …
Starwalkers: Dimensional Travelers Pt.8
creation mythologies as well as depicted in ancient Egyptian & Sumerian art, he said. Further, Tibetan lamas were said to dissolve their bodies into pure energy and travel through the stars. The Egyptians, according to the research of Laurence Gardner, may have consumed a manna-like substance that allowed them to “phase shift” to another realm, which Henry referred to as the “dimension of the blessed.” The Sumerian word ‘Nibiru’ meaning “crossing” could actually have referred to a stargate, …
Starwalkers: Dimensional Travelers Pt.7
creation mythologies as well as depicted in ancient Egyptian & Sumerian art, he said. Further, Tibetan lamas were said to dissolve their bodies into pure energy and travel through the stars. The Egyptians, according to the research of Laurence Gardner, may have consumed a manna-like substance that allowed them to “phase shift” to another realm, which Henry referred to as the “dimension of the blessed.” The Sumerian word ‘Nibiru’ meaning “crossing” could actually have referred to a stargate, …