Dude looks like a lady

Damn I forgot all about emo bands, 80’s hair metal and the way most asian males look in present day. Who knew learning could be fun? Special thanks to evilindustrydotcom and Corey Lox. Couldn’t have done this without those two gentleman. You’re going to want to full screen this.

☼▲ Control Thrashh Age ▲☼

A slow thrashy song spontaneously created during this recording. ☼ ——————————————————————————————————- Culture is not your friend, it’s an impediment to understanding what’s going on. That’s why to my mind the word cult and the word culture have a direct relationship to each other. Culture is a cult and if you feel revulsion at the thought of somebody offering to the great carrot, just notice that your own culture is an extremely repressive cult that leads to all kinds of humiliation and degradation, and automatic and unquestioned and unthinking behaviour. I mean the American family is what keeps American psychotherapy alive and well. This is a cauldron for the production of neurosis. Part of what psychedelics do, is they decondition you from cultural values. This is what makes it such a political hot potato, since all culture is a kind of congame, the most dangerous candy you can hand out is candy that makes people start questioning the rules of the game. ~Terence Mckenna♥☼