The Truth About Nibiru and Sumerian Cylinder Seals

In memory of the late Mr Zecharia Sitchin the Late Dr Robert Harrington and the Late Dr. Carl Sagan. Dr Carl Sagan once wrote about the Sumerian Cylinder Seals and I quote “The illustrations on the cylinder seals have for this reason generally defied attempts to understand them in detail. They refer to mythological material otherwise lost… In each, there is a clear representation of some celestial object–a central circle, or sphere, surrounded by other, generally smaller circles or spheres.” End of Quote. Dr Harrington`s NASA Archives Research Facts on Nibiru or Planet X Ancient Alien Artifacts – A Tribute to the late Zecharia Sitchen. offer tributes to Mr. Sitchin or to contact those handling his affairs, please email or send a letter to PO Box 577, New York, NY 10185. The Official Web Site of Zecharia Sitchin Zecharia Featured in The New York Times Richard Hoagland Enterprise Mission Historic Evidence : Robert Sepehr’s research into the Earth’s past geology helps to establish and demonstrate a 3600 year pattern of cataclysm on Earth. Noted Researchers : Researchers and Proponents Anunnaki/Nephalim : Who were the Anunnaki? Biblical Prophecy : Planet X in Biblical Prophecy PX on YouTube Nancy Lieder Lloyd Pye www

The End of All Sheeple Documentary

An exciting documentary delving into subjects such as “DMT”, “What is money?”, “We are all one”, “Illuminati origins”, “Living after the collapse”, and “Free energy technology”. Guaranteed to be an explosive adventure into realms sheeple generally ignore, avoid, and even defamate. Part 1/2 Terrence Mckenna, Joe Rogan, Nemesis, djhives, DMT, NDE, origins of the Illuminati. (rough draft)

NASA Secrets Revealed – Donna Hare (Disclosure Project Witness)

Donna Hare: Former NASA Employee, November 2000 Donna Hare had a secret clearance while working for NASA contractor, Philco Ford. She testifies that she was shown a photo of a picture with a distinct UFO. Her colleague explained that it was his job to airbrush such evidence of UFOs out of photographs before they were released to the public. She also heard information from other Johnson Space Center employees that some astronauts had seen extraterrestrial craft and that when some of them wanted to speak out about this they were threatened. GOVERNMENT INSIDERS/ NASA/ DEEP INSIDERS


A scientific team led by Brown University has produced the first detailed description of what lies below the surface at the Moon’s poles. The soil and subsurface harbors water and an assortment of other compounds, including carbon dioxide, ammonia, free sodium, and, in a surprise, silver. The finding stems from a NASA mission that slammed a rocket into the Moon’s south pole last fall. The collision threw debris into sunlight more than a half mile above the surface. Results are published in Science.

NASA-engineered collision spills new Moon secrets

A scientific team led by Brown University has produced the first detailed description of what lies below the surface at the Moon’s poles. The soil and subsurface harbors water and an assortment of other compounds, including carbon dioxide, ammonia, free sodium, and, in a surprise, silver. The finding stems from a NASA mission that slammed a rocket into the Moon’s south pole last fall. The collision threw debris into sunlight more than a half mile above the surface. Results are published in Science.