How to be the change you want to see in the world….

Nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something. The world today is definitely not a paradise. Hunger, abuse, poverty, pollution and other dangers are all too common. Granted, the world never has and probably never will be perfect, but that is no excuse to not try. You can help to create a better world for the future. Many people believe that they don’t have what it takes to make a difference to the world. They believe only people like Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Theresa, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, and the likes, are capable of making a difference. The truth is, every one of us is put in this world to contribute and make a difference to the world in our own unique way. It need not be anything out of the world. Every effort counts, no matter how small and insignificant it may seem. You already have what it takes to make the world a better place. Just do something, do something good.

Van Jones Rebuild The Dream 6pm All Saints Church Pasadena

818 – 985 – 2711 Van Jones, past advisor to President Obama for The Green Economy, speaks at the All Saints Church, Thursday, 26 April, 6pm, 132 North Euclid Avenue, Pasadena. He will sign books for readers. Proceeds of book sales go to KPFK. Go to for the complete publication interview with Van Jones: Still images by James Noack for “Enterprise Zone” Project

The Truth May Scare You (Part 9-A)

All Videos are for educational purposes only. No profit is made or copyright intended. All material used belongs to the owners of those materials Part 8 was blocked worldwide. A shorten ver will be posted along with P10 when complete Woman Radio Show the Hagmann & Hagmann report Skull and Bones Illuminati Secret Masters Bilderberg Group GMO Modified Food Poison Chips Steve Quayle April 13 2012 on The Hagmann Report Alex Jones Illuminati All Seeing Eye Nicki Minaj Chraistina Aguilera Rihanna Beyonce Shakira Britney Spears Jessie J Kesha Music The Rapper The Game Movies Cinema 4D Intro Tron 3D Animation Daft Punk Epic Music Brand X Music Jesus Matthew 10 Brand X Music — Retribution Knowledge Real Truth

The Truth May Scare You (Part 9) – Full

All Videos are for educational purposes only. No profit is made or copyright intended. All material used belongs to the owners of those materials They allowed the video to go through from May 3 but I am still unable to upload longer than 15min videos Words in Series Skull and Bones Illuminati Secret Masters Bilderberg Group GMO Modified Food Poison Chips Steve Quayle April 13 2012 on The Hagmann Report Alex Jones Illuminati All Seeing Eye Nicki Minaj Chraistina Aguilera Rihanna Beyonce Shakira Britney Spears Jessie J Kesha Music The Rapper The Game Movies Cinema 4D Intro Tron Intro Daft Punk Epic Music Brand X Music Jesus Matthew 10 Brand X Music — Retribution