Jan. 4 (Bloomberg) — President Barack Obama is considering naming William Daley, a JPMorgan Chase & Co. executive and former US Commerce secretary, to a high-level administration post, possibly White House chief of staff, people familiar with the matter said. Bloomberg’s Hans Nichols reports. (Source: Bloomberg)
Tag: media
Wake Up Part 12
Wake Up Part 12 My Web Site:101thedestroyer.com Jordan Maxwell New World Order Star of David Masonic Symbolism Freemasonry Freemason Illuminati One World Government MK Ultra Mind Control Trauma Based Bohemian Groove Owl Ritual Moloch Northern California KKK All Seeing Eye Hollywood The Industry Exposed Zionist Alex Jones Death Cults CFR Trilateral Commission Bilderberg Zeitgeist New Age Deception Symbolism Media 666 Number of the beast Satanism a OK occult Jesuit Glenn Beck Jay-Z Lucifer HP Aleister Crowley Bill Cooper Masonic Handsign Scottish rite Skull N Bones History Channel Hackers 9-11
Baer Says Obama’s Actions Are What Matter, Not Words: Video
June 16 (Bloomberg) — Donald Baer of Burson-Marsteller, a former White House communications director, talks about President Obama’s speech last night about the effectiveness of President Barack Obama’s speech Tuesday on the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. Obama vowed that BP Plc will pay for all damage caused by its “recklessness” and that the government would commit to restoring the Gulf Coast. Baer talks with Margaret Brennan on Bloomberg Television’s “In Business.” (Source: Bloomberg)
Maki Says US Deficit `Main Challenge’ for White House
Feb. 24 (Bloomberg) — Dean Maki, chief US economist at Barclays Capital Inc., talks about the Obama administration’s performance on fiscal and economic policy and the performance of Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner. He speaks with Matt Miller and Carol Massar on Bloomberg Television’s “Street Smart.” Bloomberg’s Rich Miller also speaks. (Source: Bloomberg)
George Carlin on Freedom of Choice
The important big things no Choice. Fewer banks, news media, oil companies etc. For consumers though more choices as to what to buy