Theo Chalmers interviews Freeman about Obama, Human Cloning, and the Coming Space War. [Original Air-Date June 11 2009]
Tag: media
Masonic Lodge Over Jerusalem : Secret Rulers of Israel Pt. 5
The elite masters of the Masonic Order now control the White House and the leadership councils of the European Community. Their goal is to establish dictatorial Illuministic Communism and toenslave all of mankind under the thumb of a Jewish master race led by aworld messiah who is to rule from Jerusalem. Their methods are Jewish witchcraft and illuministic cabalism, broughtto the peak of demonic perfection via the art of Masonic magic andritual. As one of their own insiders, Rabbi Stephen Wise, has stated: “Masonry is a Jewish institution whose history, degrees, charges, passwords, and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end. Research and video made by Texe Marrs
Masonic Lodge Over Jerusalem : Secret Rulers of Israel Pt. 4
The elite masters of the Masonic Order now control the White House and the leadership councils of the European Community. Their goal is to establish dictatorial Illuministic Communism and toenslave all of mankind under the thumb of a Jewish master race led by aworld messiah who is to rule from Jerusalem. Their methods are Jewish witchcraft and illuministic cabalism, broughtto the peak of demonic perfection via the art of Masonic magic andritual. As one of their own insiders, Rabbi Stephen Wise, has stated: “Masonry is a Jewish institution whose history, degrees, charges, passwords, and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end. Research and video made by Texe Marrs.
CurIositY, Often LEADz 2 troUble, STeve wILLner “RE`ad”z fROM “THEE BO‿Ok” !.!* :”D
THIS VID. IS I*NTER”AC*T”IVE ~ CLICK ON SCREEN 2 C* {THGZ. THAT LINK/COINCIDE} 2`GET`HER ~ 2 lEARn… USE 2 SCREENZ ;);) {a TRIButE/FAN MADe, vId. for my FB friend’zzz…} I’m THEE FAN :p ;);) CurIosity Often LEADz 2 troUble, Or soMEthIng INTERESTING… wILL CuriOsItY kILL THEE C~a~t ?.?* …* wILL jUst have 2 wAIt & C* !.!* …* HOOwoodEVR”think”2″LOOK”4″MEhear/HERE”?.?* =dA,I’LLgivmIselfVRRR~Egood+vIsss, waytingmAksmEcurIOUs ~ ←←←aeiou Oh’tr`u~BULL ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ vId. & RE`done/RE`touC*hed piC*z. made bY, C*. !.!* aka C*.1*.3*. aka FALL`O THEE ‘wIt’ RAbIt !.!* done on 8/12/2011~20!.!* RAbIt C*sUn !.!* more info. @ my blog + close up pics. *** NEW INFO. ADDED AS OF AUG.16, 2011~20!.!* *** Original piC*z . fROM: ^^^Info. found @ above link, Click 2 C* more…^^^ Book Release Date September 11, 2011 *********** About 26 bloggers/writers/artists share their experiences and perspectives on the strange and beautiful universe in which we live. Description Featuring writers from: The Sync Whole, Reality Sandwich, Etemenanki, The Mask of God, Labyrinth of the Psychonaut, The Stygian Port, Live From The Logosphere, Star Theory, The Patternist, Gosporn, All The Happy Creatures, Kosmos Idikos, Radio8Ball, Constellation Contemplation, Kozmikon, Accidental …