Circling The Globalist Rat Hole: Occupy Bilderberg Gains Momentum

Alex Jones’ call for Infowarriors to ‘Occupy Bilderberg’ during their upcoming meeting in Chantilly Virginia is gathering steam, with activists heeding the call to protest the clandestine annual confab involving the globe’s top powerbrokers. It is now confirmed that the Bilderberg Group will hold their 2012 conference at the Westfields Marriott Washington Dulles hotel in Chantilly, Virginia from May 31st to June 3rd. The Bilderbergers hate the spotlight. It’s only in recent years that the media has even acknowledged their existence and the group itself, comprising some 120 influential power brokers in the fields of business, politics, media, academia and banking, has been forced to set up a website and issue a yearly press release. This is thanks to the fact that ever increasing numbers of protesters are gathering outside wherever Bilderberg meets to demonstrate against the elitist confab’s role in secretly steering world events outside the purview of democratically elected governments. Following Jones’ call to occupy Bilderberg, the grass roots activist community has gone into overdrive. A detailed Facebook page has been set up along with a website in addition to numerous other alternative media websites who are getting on board with the event. We urge as many people as possible to travel to Virginia at the end of the month to do what the maionstream media habitually fails to accomplish — speaking truth to power and demanding answers as to why Bilderberg attendees think


HUNT:UN UNCED EARTH SUMMIT 1992 (POPULATION REDUCTION, BANK SCAMS) FOOD RIOTS ARCHIVES … newworldordertv al pacinos inspirational speech new world order playoffs sports entertainment quote pro football any given sunday film movie all seeing eye bilderberg secret meeting infowars alex jones preach jeff rense william cooper martial law america usa economic crisis alert emergency military pdd 51 president obama dictator help sos fema camps …