“All Men Dream” by Jonathan Adams. Sung by the 2007 Arkansas All-State Choirs conducted by Gary Morris. Images of TE Lawrence, Albert Einstein, Poe, Thoreau, Sartre, Camus, HG Wells, Delius, Beethoven, Wagner, John Nash, and many other poets, composers and visionaries.

Charlie Sheen Unleashed: I’m Not Taking It Anymore!! 1/3

Actor and television star Charlie Sheen will appear on The Alex Jones Show today for an exclusive live interview in which Sheen will set the record straight on the myriad of exaggerations, misinformation and outright falsehoods about his life that have been whipped up by the establishment media in recent weeks. www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv

Tribute To EMS By: Don Mathews

was questioning his career choice and rather or not it really mattered to anyone else! He sent the song out to several Fire and EMS departments! He sent the song along with a letter to Louisiana post hurricane Katrina to show his support and received loads of thanks and gratitude in return. It was then sent to the Whitehouse upon which time we were informed that a lot Emergency Response Personnel in NYC and surrounding areas were still having issues coping with our tragedy of September 11, 2001 …

Breakin Shit

watch out for the lamp. … Dancing Breaking dishes Kimono 310 cosplay anime video games love lamp legalize gay California Minnesota Chicago Il New york eggs and bacon MCAD minneapolis college of art design studded belts Rihanna breaking in here all night uh hu im fireman fire man you’ve been gone since 3:30 books lord the rings harry potter twilight nerdfighters happy dancing taco bell play station Final Fantasy AMV music your mom new LA comic con convention super heros men Spiderman …