WAKE UP AND UNITE We Are All One Consciousness 2012.mp4

A great Video on how we are all one. See my channel for more info, please SUBSCRIBE for questions or to exchange research or scources write to: Izabelab@rocketmail.com Anastasia beavenhouser on FB

Dr. Rebecca Hardcastle | Exoconsciousness | International Metaphysical University (IMU),

Dr. Hardcastle will be teaching Exoconsciousness at International Metaphysical University (IMU). Exoconsciousnes is a concept Dr. Hardcastle conceived to describe extraterrestrial origins, dimensions and abilities of human consciousness. An extraterrestrial experiencer since childhood, Hardcastles recent book, Exoconsciousness: Your 21st Century Mind (Authorhouse, 2008), details her contact through story, metaphysics, quantum science and ancient knowledge. Through her work with Exoconsciousness, Hardcastle is committed to normalizing paranormal abilities within mainstream arenas of psychiatry, medicine, science, philosophy and culture. Her publications and presentations weave the theory and practice of Exoconsciousness with the biological, historical and multidimensional relationship between humans and extraterrestrials. In 2005, Hardcastle taught one of the first Ufology courses in the United States at Scottsdale Community College in Scottsdale, Ariz. Her professional background included the directorship of an ecumenical chaplain program at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio. An ordained elder in the United Methodist Church, Hardcastle served on national boards and agencies for the denomination. Hardcastle has a doctorate in parapsychic science from the American Institute of Holistic Theology, a masters in divinity from Boston University School of Theology and her bachelors degree in philosophy and religion from Otterbein College. Hardcastle received her

Consciousness Explained!!!

I take no credit for the clips/pic/music.All I did was edit it together.Enjoy! … Consciousness Explained Will Smith Oprah Eckhart Tolle Dr.Wayne Dyer Deepak Chopra Quantum Physics David Icke Success the tao te ching we are all one infowars new age metaphysics secret law of attraction power now lao tzu deeper light stillness yes what bleep do know hagelin john dr. shift max planck albert einstein bill hicks earth from above everything is vs force hawkins hay house silent stuart wilde four …