ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS : Ancient Greece in Italy

A look at Ancient Civilizations and Ancient Greece in Italy. Nearly 2800 years ago, a group of Greek settlers landed on the coast of Italy. That event marked the start the process which created Magna Graecia, named after the motherland. Join us as we walk through the streets of Cumae, Pasteum, Puteoli, and Neapolis, reconstructed using the most advanced computer graphics.

Part 2 starts at 25.42 and looks Ancient Greece in Sicily. During the 4th Century BC, Sicily was the “new Greece” of the west. Our journey will take us to the various cultural centers that dotted the island, such as Syracuse, Agrigento, with the exquisite Valley of the Temples, and Selinus, present-day Selenunte.

Ancient Civilizations offers a comparative analysis of the field, including both old world and new civilizations, and explores the connections between all civilizations around the earth.The volume provides a jargon-free introduction to ancient civilizations from the first civilizations, and the great powers in the Near East, to the first Aegean civilizations, the Mediterranean world in the first millennium, Imperial Rome, northeast Africa, divine kings in southeast Asia, and empires in East Asia, as well as early states in the Americas and Andean civilization.For those interested in ancient civilizations.

Today’s civilizations owe an immense debt to the powerful empires and mighty cities of antiquity. Their inventions, techniques and concepts enabled the advancement of humankind and lay the foundation for life in the modern world.

Explore Ancient History, including videos, pictures, and articles on cultures such as Ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome and more.

ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS : Cleopatra and Pharaoahs in Ancient Egypt

A look at Ancient Civilizations of Cleopatra and Phaoraohs in Ancient Egypt. Cleopatra herself serves as our virtual tour guide through Egypt during her reign as Queen. From the exotic yet cosmopolitan Alexandria, to the Sanctuary of Dendera to the magical isle of Philae, we explore her empire by land and sea. We follow her as she sets sail for Italy and end our journey within the city walls of Rome where an Egyptian temple is being erected for Cleopatra’s deity protector, Isis.

Part 2 starts AT 26:00 and looks at Pharaohs in Ancient Egypt. Perhaps no one in the history of mankind has wielded more power than a pharaoh in ancient Egypt. More than the Roman emperors, more than the King of Kings of Persepolis or Babylonia, the pharaohs ruled the population with an iron hand and were worshipped in turn as direct descendents of the Sun God. They were considered immortal, capable of subduing the forces of nature and of laying down a challenge to the centuries. A challenge that was taken up and won by the pharaohs’ magnificent tombs and the sacred temples erected in honor of the gods. However, this is not the case with their cities, which disappeared mysteriously off the face of the earth as if swallowed up by the desert sands.

Ancient Civilizations offers a comparative analysis of the field, including both old world and new civilizations, and explores the connections between all civilizations around the earth.The volume provides a jargon-free introduction to ancient civilizations from the first civilizations, and the great powers in the Near East, to the first Aegean civilizations, the Mediterranean world in the first millennium, Imperial Rome, northeast Africa, divine kings in southeast Asia, and empires in East Asia, as well as early states in the Americas and Andean civilization.For those interested in ancient civilizations.

Today’s civilizations owe an immense debt to the powerful empires and mighty cities of antiquity. Their inventions, techniques and concepts enabled the advancement of humankind and lay the foundation for life in the modern world.

Explore Ancient History, including videos, pictures, and articles on cultures such as Ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome and more.

ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS : Egyptian Pyramids and Aztec Pyramids

A look at Ancient Civilizations Egyptian Pyramids and Aztez Pyramids. During the 4th dynasty of the Pharaohs in Egypt, nearly 5000 years ago, a people emerged from the mists of pre-history to complete the most ambitious and spectacular undertaking ever attempted by mankind. An incredible feat characterized by ingenious design, resourceful technique, and above all, the labor of tens of thousands of men who contributed with their bare hands to creating these colossal tombs for their Pharaohs. We look at the construction of Khufu, which, tall as a 40 story building, is the largest pyramid in the Nile Valley.

Part 2 starts at 21:40 and looks at Ancient Aztec Pyramids. Aztec civilization reached its height in the early 16th century. Explore the capital of their empire, Tenochtitlán, home to elaborate yet sacred temples atop gigantic stepped pyramids. Witness the majesty of this warrior culture that has been unearthed below what is modern-day Mexico City by the preeminent archeologists of our time.

Ancient Civilizations offers a comparative analysis of the field, including both old world and new civilizations, and explores the connections between all civilizations around the earth.The volume provides a jargon-free introduction to ancient civilizations from the first civilizations, and the great powers in the Near East, to the first Aegean civilizations, the Mediterranean world in the first millennium, Imperial Rome, northeast Africa, divine kings in southeast Asia, and empires in East Asia, as well as early states in the Americas and Andean civilization.For those interested in ancient civilizations.

Today’s civilizations owe an immense debt to the powerful empires and mighty cities of antiquity. Their inventions, techniques and concepts enabled the advancement of humankind and lay the foundation for life in the modern world.

Explore Ancient History, including videos, pictures, and articles on cultures such as Ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome and more.

ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS : Ancient Rome and Romans in Africa

A look at the Ancient Civilization of Rome with its art, aesthetics, literature, theater, law, town planning: these are just some of the debts owed by Western civilization to Rome, the glorious capital of the greatest and most powerful empire that the world has ever known. Take a tour of this vast metropolis as it was during its peak, and see it through the eyes of the Roman citizens of the time.

Part 2 starts at 21:30 and looks at the Ancient Roman Civilizations in Africa. During the 2nd century A.D., Roman war veterans were granted land in Northern Africa as a sign of gratitude from the politicians. This arid climate proved beneficial in thee planting of vast olive groves and wheat fields. The area was prosperous, and begin to take on many aspects of Roman culture. We’ll visit some of the numerous wealthy provinces, including the amphitheatre at El-Djem and the ingenious villa built to escape the hot African climate.

Ancient Civilizations offers a comparative analysis of the field, including both old world and new civilizations, and explores the connections between all civilizations around the earth.The volume provides a jargon-free introduction to ancient civilizations from the first civilizations, and the great powers in the Near East, to the first Aegean civilizations, the Mediterranean world in the first millennium, Imperial Rome, northeast Africa, divine kings in southeast Asia, and empires in East Asia, as well as early states in the Americas and Andean civilization.For those interested in ancient civilizations.

Today’s civilizations owe an immense debt to the powerful empires and mighty cities of antiquity. Their inventions, techniques and concepts enabled the advancement of humankind and lay the foundation for life in the modern world.

Explore Ancient History, including videos, pictures, and articles on cultures such as Ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome and more.

MILITARY HISTORY : Medieval Swords and Tournaments

Uploaded by MILITARY HISTORY 2015. A look at the Military History of Medieval Swords and Tournaments starts with a brief history of the Medieval Broadsword and various combat techniques with it, both offensive and defensive. Then the show members face off to find who has best learned how to win with the Medieval Broadsword.

Part 2 starts at 21:00 and focuses on one of the quintessential images of medieval life, the tournament lasted well into Tudor times. Investigates the purpose of these extraordinary and colorful events and how its many forms–the foot tourney, joust on horseback, the melee–developed from the ancient trial of combat. The show experiments with weapons and armor designed for tournament, examines the rules of combat and the notion of chivalry, and joins a medieval tournament team for a joust on horseback !

Much of what we know of ancient history is the history of militaries: their conquests, their movements, and their technological innovations. There are many reasons for this. Kingdoms and empires, the central units of control in the ancient world, could only be maintained through military force. Due to limited agricultural ability, there were relatively few areas that could support large communities, so fighting was common.

Weapons and armor, designed to be sturdy, tended to last longer than other artifacts, and thus a great deal of surviving artifacts recovered tend to fall in this category as they are more likely to survive. Weapons and armor were also mass-produced to a scale that makes them quite plentiful throughout history, and thus more likely to be found in archaeological digs.