Architects of Control – Michael Tsarion Program one part 10 of 16HQ http

New World Order & World Leaders

freedoms other than the liberties granted to you by the fascist elite. The fact that politicians can be voted out, and the fact that US presidents can only serve two terms, must really piss them off. They have tried rigging elections, but they usually get found out. Their ideal solution is to create a system where they can never be voted out and never be held accountable for their dirty deeds. The New World Order IS that solution and their mouths drool at the very thought of it. They want it so …

Architects of Control – Michael Tsarion Program one part 9 of 16HQ http

Wake Up Call New World Order Documentary Remastered 10 of 16

Estulin, Jim Tucker, Ted Gunderson, Anthony Hilder, Professor Steven Jones, Webster Tarpley, George Carlin, John Taylor Gatto, Charlotte Iserbyt, Dave vonKleist, Stan Monteith and others… Please spread the word as much as you can! … new world order impeach george bush globalization government 911 alex jones infowars we are change north american union nau cfr bilderberg elite power military stock market money global currency monetary policy economy history glenn beck lou dobbs …

Architects of Control – Michael Tsarion Program one part 12 of 16HQ http