All We See & Seem Is But A Dream Within A Dream

“All we see & seem is but a dream within a dream”: the illusory nature of physical reality, creative consciousness & the universal mind. Featuring Fred Alan Wolf, Nassim Haramein, Amit Goswami, Jim Al Khalili, Greg Braden, Bill Hicks & David Icke. (music: Rachid Taha “Barra Barra”) Original Uploader:-

The End Of Time – From 2012 Golden Age David Wilcock

I have been saying that our consciousness may change and that we are leading up to an end of time as we know it. David Wilcock on August 23, 2011 on Coast to Coast agrees. Original Link: Decoding the Mayan 9th Wave Event Horizon 10/28/2011

Auf den Spuren der All-Mächtigen 2_3 – 1v6.-.01-Die.Zeitmaschine_0.flv

================================================ Mit diesen einzigartigen Bild- und Tondokumenten führt Erich von Däniken Sie auf eine fantastische Entdeckungsreise durch Raum und Zeit zu den ältesten Kulturen der Welt. Bei seinen fantasievollen Interpretationen beschäftigt sich Erich von Däniken mit zahlreichen rätselhaften Erscheinungen der Weltgeschichte. Er geht vielfältigen Fragen nach und präsentiert archäologische Phänomene, deren Rätsel die Wissenschaft bis heute noch nicht erklären kann. Er bietet so überraschende wie plausible Antworten auf Fragen, die die Menschheit seit Jahrtausenden beschäftigt und sich in ihren Bauwerken niedergeschlagen haben. In der ersten Folge dieser faszinierenden Reise durch Raum und Zeit begibt sich Erich von Däniken auf Spurensuche bei den alten Ägyptern. Außerdem stellt er verblüffende Zusammenhänge zwischen den Maßen legendärer Bauwerke und dem Erddurchmesser her. In Anatolien untersucht er ein verschlungenes Netz unterirdischer Steinzeitbunker. Göttliche Himmelfahrzeuge auf altindischen Kultbildern deutet er als Raumfahrzeuge prähistorischer Astronauten. Auf der Mittelmeerinsel Malta gibt es uralte Steingleise, die an vorzeitliche Flugrampen erinnern. Wer hat sie gebaut? In drei weiteren Folgen seiner Video-Reise besucht Erich von Däniken Chichen Itza, die Mayastadt im Dschungel. Er beweißt, daß die Verbindungslinie zwischen alten, über ganz Europa verstreuten Kulturstätten, geheimnisvolle Pentagramme ergeben. Und er erklärt das

C2CAM – 2007.04.15 – UFO & Antigravity Disclosure 1/11

Date: 04-15-07 Host: Art Bell Guests: Major Ed Dames, David B. Sereda UFO Researcher David Sereda discussed his recent work, videotaping the disclosure of 73-year old Boyd Bushman, a Lockheed Martin Senior Research Scientist of 20 years, who held Top Secret clearance. He holds a number of patents and designed the Red Eye Missile (now the Stinger Missile), and infrared FLIR systems. Bushman also reverse engineered antigravity and UFO technology, Sereda reported. There is a force related to the expansion of the universe that is actually stronger than gravity, and this could be connected to antigravity propulsion, Bushman told him. He demonstrated phases that lead up to antigravity, including experiments in which magnets reduced the gravity of a rock. Bushman verified that Area 51 in Nevada was indeed the place where alien craft were tested– but such testing moved to a facility in Utah after Area 51 became well known, he noted. Bushman also revealed that he was friends with a Navy doctor that treated a pilot who shot down the Roswell craft in 1947. Though he didn’t state the specific type of weapon used, Sereda speculated that it might have been Tesla’s “death ray,” confiscated by the government after Tesla’s death in 1943. Bushman also showed Sereda a diagram for a nuclear-powered flying saucer, which he said was first flown out of Wright Patterson AFB in 1959. Wheat Blight Update First hour guest, remote viewing teacher Ed Dames checked in to discuss a growing wheat

The Day Before Disclosure (Part 1_7) FULL [HQ]

The Day Before Disclosure is a film documenting the growing awareness and the build up to what can potentially be the single, most important event in human history — the day the UFO and ET presence becomes a world wide accepted reality. This is the story of the witnesses that was laughed at, the researchers and reporters that wasn’t believed and the governmental and military personnel that were sworn to silence. A story that alters the foundation of everything you thought you knew, and takes you along for a ride all the way from the darkest abyss of living nightmares, through to the brightest hope for the future of humanity. This is the greatest story in human history. Features: Steven Greer Edgar Mitchell Steve Basset Robert Dean Budd Hopkins Barbara Lamb David Jacobs Richard Dolan Stanton Friedman Peter Robbins Jim Marrs Nadine Lalich Elaine Michael Salla Milton Torres Wendelle Stevens Paola Harris Nick Pope Miriam Delicado Linda Moulton Howe Robert Hastings Dr Roger Leir Company: New Paardigm Films Director: Terje Toftenes Producer: Truls Toftenes, Ragnhild Løken, Terje Toftenes Music: Rover