Mossad vs Assad? ‘CIA death squads behind Syria bloodbath’

Dark Knight Shooting: Earmarks of a Sophisticated Black Ops

Alex also takes on the latest news as the stock market slides in reaction to yet another EU bailout in Spain and new details emerge in the Aurora shooting. Alex also takes your calls on today’s show. [Check out Alex’s New Social Network-‘Planet Infowars’ Get all your Youngevity Products such as Beyond Tangy Tangerine, the Alex Pack and Pollen Burst. These supplements are a great way to get your essentials vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and other beneficial nutrients [[[ProPur Water Filtration]]]

Alex Jones Show (Sunday Edition) 4/8:Kissinger & The CIA’s Color Revolution in Iran

COLOR REVOLUTION IN IRAN? KOPYME June 21, 2009 We all know that the CIA has been involved in several coup detats ever since President Harry S. Truman spawned this creature. Hell, theyve even done it once before in Iran, in 1953. And I think we also know that Iran has been in the crosshairs of the neocons, neoliberals and other policy makers for quite a while. Even the RAND Corporation has been lobbying for another world war to save the US economy. And that, I think is reason enough to …

Alex Jones Show (Sunday Edition) 7/8:Kissinger & The CIA’s Color Revolution in Iran

COLOR REVOLUTION IN IRAN? KOPYME June 21, 2009 We all know that the CIA has been involved in several coup detats ever since President Harry S. Truman spawned this creature. Hell, theyve even done it once before in Iran, in 1953. And I think we also know that Iran has been in the crosshairs of the neocons, neoliberals and other policy makers for quite a while. Even the RAND Corporation has been lobbying for another world war to save the US economy. And that, I think is reason enough to …

Alex Jones Show (Sunday Edition) 3/8:Kissinger & The CIA’s Color Revolution in Iran

COLOR REVOLUTION IN IRAN? KOPYME June 21, 2009 We all know that the CIA has been involved in several coup detats ever since President Harry S. Truman spawned this creature. Hell, theyve even done it once before in Iran, in 1953. And I think we also know that Iran has been in the crosshairs of the neocons, neoliberals and other policy makers for quite a while. Even the RAND Corporation has been lobbying for another world war to save the US economy. And that, I think is reason enough to …