Something Baffling Scientists is Hidden Beyond the Edge of Our Universe

According to Paul M. Sutter….remember the astrophysicist who can’t smell colors… Cosmologists aren’t sure if the universe is infinitely big or just extremely large. Sutter claims that if the universe is infinite in size, then there can be nothing outside of it, as it encompasses all (Sutter). However, Sutten continues to claim the Universe is only so old and light only travels so fast, that there is an outside to our observable patch. This area between what we can and can not see is called the “surface of last scattering” which is like a uniform sphere of fog which the first-ever photons of cosmic microwave background radiation came from (Nakshatra). The surface of the last scattering is like the edge of what we call the observable universe as it is the farthest point in space and farthest point in time that we can observe, what lies beyond that is the “opaque Universe” To measure what is our observable universe, scientists look at its curvature (Sutter). If the universe was perfectly geometrically flat, then the Universe could be infinite and what lies in the opaque could just be more stars and galaxies. Not to discredit stars and galaxies, I mean look at these A+ swirls (picture of a swirly galaxy). Our current measurements of the curvature of the universe indicate that it is almost perfectly flat, but the subtlety of curvature indicates that the universe would have a finite volume.

Oceans of LIFE Beneath Saturn’s Moon

This changed in 2004 when the Cassini space probe began orbiting Saturn and discovered a strange occurrence in the planet’s magnetic field near its sixth largest moon. In a targeted flyby, Cassini found four massive fissures centered on Enceladus’ south pole. Plumes of water vapor and ice grains gush from cracks on the moon’s surface, revealing that Enceladus was active. Camera imagining in 2005 provided more details that the south polar region was a youthful and complex terrain with water jets continuously erupting at 800 miles per hour. A fraction of the material from the eruptions makes their way to Saturn’s E Ring, while the rest fall back down like snow, giving the moon its bright white surface. A surface that at first glance would look like a dream come true for Scarface or college seniors at their last frat party.

First song in video:
Get Day One by Matt Hardwick, Smith, Pledger here

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Proof EARTH Possesses Conciousness Above that of Our Own

Use my code STRANGEMYSTERIES to get $5 off your delicious, healthy Magic Spoon cereal by clicking this link:

Our brains, like the rest of our animalia familia, are wired for survival. And like a 19th Century child’s fixation of sugar-plums on Christmas Eve, visions of food and sex constanly dance through our head. We eat to gain the needed energy to survive and we reproduce to keep the numbers of our species strong. So the next time you down your 4th donut while scrolling through Tinder at 3:00 am, remember you’re doing it for the good of humanity. But before our life of luxuries made it seamless for food and fun to come straight to the door, we had to work hard to achieve our survival needs. This isn’t some rant your grandfather tells you about how much harder things were when he was your age when he worked on a farm or whatever things adolescent grandpas do. Because his paleolithic predecessor could give him the same lecture. “Oh you had to wake up at 5:00 am to water the crops and steal a chicken’s baby. Well yesterday I woke up to a leopard in my cave, gnawing on my two year old and had to fight a Giant Kangaroo over a handful of seeds.”

Now it’s easy to be human. All you truly need is a warm room with the ocussional slop bucket left outside the door. You can leave the reproduction part to your cooler cousin who hit puberty before you. Instead, in today’s world it is harder to be an individual. With an endless supply of entertainment and opportunities to keep you occupied, there’s a social pressure to stand out as an individual who broadcasts every aspect of their life.

The Experiments Being Run to Determine if We Live in a Simulation

Researchers at Oxford state that under classical mechanics, it is impossible to simulate a conscious universe. The simulated universe must have its limitations, opposed to the infinite scale of the base universe. We would need to be tricked, to believe there is more to what we are actually experiencing under the beliefs of our expanding universe. Theoretically in a scenario where humans continue to advance and descend into space, computing power can excel to produce enough power to generate a substantial simulation by harnessing energy of suns and potentially blackholes Critics of simulation theory believe that these currently unknowable factors in quantum mechanics or principles so complex we cannot comprehend, that believing in the theory is like having faith in religion with an archetype creator.

While debates take place on both sides, scientists are beginning to test the 21st Century’s most prominent topic at late night stoner sessions. In a 2017 Paper “On Testing the Simulation Theory four physicists explore how such testing can be done under the assumption that if the system performing the simulation has limitations, then the system would render reality like a video game renders graphics, only at the moment of observation by an individual. This gives scientists testing the theory two strategies to find out if we live in a simulation.

Get Zara by Arty here!Strange…
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(Zara starts at the beginning)

Get The Sirens by Seven Lions, Jason Ross here…
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(Second song played)


Creative Commons:
Saul Dolgin | CC BY 2.0 |… |…

Hans Hillewaert | CC BY-SA 4.0 |… |…

Toni Malin from Helsinki, Finland | CC BY 2.0 |… | |…

Robbie Shade, CC BY 2.0 |… |, |… |
Collision Conf, CC BY 2.0 |… |…

Did You Exist Before You Were Born?

Use my code STRANGEMYSTERIES to get $5 off your delicious, healthy Magic Spoon cereal by clicking this link:

You are going to die. But it’s okay, because so am I. In fact we all are. No matter who you are, what you’ve done, or how much money you pay a billionaire to freeze you, one day you will die. The existential dread that comes with this fact is as inescapable as death itself. The moment you watch your beloved goldfish get flushed away, the thought of death first creeps into your adolescent mind. To fully step into consciousness, one must accept their own morality and the daunting questions that plague our minds. Where is Goldie going? Will I be put in a toilet when I die? Did Grandma really go to a farm to run around and play with all the other grandparents?

To find answers to these unanswerable questions, people turn to religion, create art, and consume copious amounts of mind altering substances that would make Snoop Dog proud. There are many different theories and beliefs for what happens when we die. The problem is that it’s incredibly hard to fact check them with someone who is dead. We tried getting answers from a medium off of the facebook marketplace we contacted for this video, but all she told us was that my great aunt thinks I’m putting on too much weight.

Music provided by Monstercat:
Puppet & Pierce Fulton – Boy and the Beast
(Intro Song…and yes…the drop is crazy)

Music provided by Monstercat :
Duumu – Tide (Interlude)
(the second song)

Did You Exist Before You Were Born?