Have you ever experienced a moment so creative that you felt
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Narrated by Jack Daniel www.jackdanielvo.com
Ending trailer by Ben Patrick Johnson
capable of doing anything? A torrent of ideas and imagination that simply overwhelmed you? If so, you’ll know that these bouts of inspirational energy are hard to replicate. And if you’ve never felt like this, wouldn’t you love to experience it for yourself? Well thanks to a group of scientists at MIT this may be possible, because they’ve figured out a way to manipulate your dreams and unlock the key to human creativity.
The happiness paradox is a bizarre phenomenon experienced by almost every human being on the planet…
Bonus Videos & “Chemicals of Reality” Premium Video Available @ http://www.patreon.com/strangemysteries
Narrated by Jack Daniel www.jackdanielvo.com
Ending trailer by Ben Patrick Johnson
Why do most of your friends seem happier than you?Are you unhappy because you think you’re unpopular?The fact that some people have many millions of online friends whereas you, a loser, have only a handful, causes two notable things to occur.When Bollen and his team analysed the 3,000 most recent tweets sent from the 39,110 Twitter users they’d been relentlessly stalking, they found something interesting.Bollen’s theory is that interactions play a more significant part in influencing our mood than perception.
On the 14th of March 2018, mankind lost the talents of Professor
Bonus Videos & “Chemicals of Reality” Premium Video Available @ http://www.patreon.com/strangemysteries
Narrated by Jack Daniel www.jackdanielvo.com
Ending trailer by Ben Patrick Johnson
Stephen William Hawking, a theoretical physicist, cosmologist and occasional Simpsons character whose work enabled us to understand the universe like never before. He was our generation’s Einstein, and as you might expect from such a talented mind, Professor Hawking was working on new theories about the cosmos right until his final moments; specifically, a theory which attempts to reconcile our understanding of physics with the potential existence of parallel universes.
Faraday Rotation as a diagnostic of Galactic foreground contamination of CMB maps – Hansen, M. et al. Mon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc. 426 (2012) 57-69 arXiv:1202.1711 [astro-ph.CO]
Artificial Intelligence will play a key role in the future of mankind: of
Bonus Videos & “Chemicals of Reality” Premium Video Available @ http://www.patreon.com/strangemysteries
Narrated by Jack Daniel www.jackdanielvo.com
Ending trailer by Ben Patrick Johnson
Link to Norman Test: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdgqbMLEK_ffvrEU17RowO1DHxupSznKwEME52XZduxAAafvA/viewform
Artificial Intelligence will play a key role in the future of mankind: of this there can be no doubt. The likes of Siri and Alexa are but mere simple prototypes of the complex, synthetic minds which await our descendants, with artificially intelligent entities predicted to take major roles in industry, creativity and our everyday lives. But in creating such beings, are we humans putting ourselves in danger? Many leading minds from the fields of science and technology believe so, and you might be inclined to agree with them, once you hear the story of Norman: The Artificially Intelligent Psychopath.
The universe is a bizarre and fascinating place, littered with objects
Bonus Videos & “Chemicals of Reality” Premium Video Available @ http://www.patreon.com/strangemysteries
Narrated by Jack Daniel www.jackdanielvo.com
Ending trailer by Ben Patrick Johnson
and forces we may never come to understand. Yet even in the context of the cosmos, our solar system stands out as being very strange indeed. For a start, there’s this one planet three blocks over from the Sun that’s covered in weird hairless apes that love to burn things and murder each other – sometimes both if they’re in the mood. But life isn’t the only thing that marks us out. Having studied other exoplanetary systems, we have recently learned that our solar system is very different to others, and this may be one of the main reasons why we exist at all. So let’s find out just how individual we really are as we explore A Cosmic Freak: Why Our Solar System is Unique.How It FormedIn recent weeks we’ve seen some mind-blowing images of early solar system formations courtesy of the European Southern Observatory. Observations like this may help us to understand how most solar systems form, but there are still a few blanks when it comes to explaining the genesis of our own cosmic backyard.The origin story goes like this; around 4.5 billion years ago a concentrated area of gas and dust invaded each other’s personal space to form a molecular cloud. Things were pretty chilly back then, so the gas huddled together for warmth, creating regions of increasing density which then collapsed under their own gravity. From this formed a protostar, and further gravitational collapses continued to add to its mass, turning it into the total beefcake star we know and love today. While the Sun was bulking up a large disc of material formed around it. This material could’ve been swallowed by our greedy young star, but thankfully its voice had just broken and it instead discovered fusion. As a result, an outburst