ICARUS: What We Shouldn’t Be Able to See

Anyone who’s ever gazed deep into the dull, soulless eyes of…
Bonus Videos & “Chemicals of Reality” Premium Video Available @ http://www.patreon.com/strangemysteries

Narrated by Jack Daniel www.jackdanielvo.com
Ending trailer by Ben Patrick Johnson

Anyone who’s ever gazed deep into the dull, soulless eyes of Jennifer Lawrence will know what it’s like to view a distant star. But in April of this year, the Hubble Telescope detected a star even more distant – 9 billion light years away to be precise. Strange Mysteries would like to introduce you to the MACS J1149 2223 Lensed Star 1, aka Icarus, the most distant star we have ever seen.

The Genesis Project: Developing Ecospheres on Other Planets

In recent years, humans have discovered that our planet Earth might
Bonus Videos & “Chemicals of Reality” Premium Video Available @ http://www.patreon.com/strangemysteries

Narrated by Jack Daniel www.jackdanielvo.com
Ending trailer by Ben Patrick Johnson

In recent years, humans have discovered that our planet Earth might not be as unique as we thought. Sure, it’s the only world we know of to harbour life, but many signs point to our planet being one of just many habitable bodies out there in the cosmos. To make a planet suitable for life you’re going to need the presence of an atmosphere, and it’s going to need to hold on to that atmosphere for a period of time known as forever.Based on our modern technological capabilities, Professor Gros believes that a Genesis mission could be sent within as little as a few decades thanks to the imminent development of unmanned, micro-spacecraft.

How Big Is A Black Hole?

If you want to know how big something is, you just measure it.
Bonus Videos & “Chemicals of Reality” Premium Video Available @ http://www.patreon.com/strangemysteries

Narrated by Jack Daniel www.jackdanielvo.com
Ending trailer by Ben Patrick Johnson

But how do you measure the unmeasurable? Black holes can be large enough to form a galaxy and small enough to fit in a teaspoon.The smallest black holes we’ve seen out there in the universe are between three to ten times the mass of our Sun.The black hole at the centre of our galaxy is large enough to encompass approximately 0.015% of our solar system.

Thumbnail With Modification: By ESO: observations by Susana Randall, Claudio Melo, Swetlana Hubrig; day astronomer Dominique Naef; Henri Boffin (ESO) processed the data and made the colour-composite, and Haennes Heyer (ESO) made the final adjustments. [CC BY 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0) or CC BY 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

A Theory of Everything

Bonus Videos & “Chemicals of Reality” Premium Video Available @ http://www.patreon.com/strangemysteries

Narrated by Jack Daniel www.jackdanielvo.com
Ending trailer by Ben Patrick Johnson

Physicists have long sought the discovery of a theory of everything; an all-encompassing framework which unites the known laws of the universe into a single theorem, enabling us to understand every physical phenomenon in the universe. But today we’re talking about the search for a different theory of everything, one which would unite not the sciences, but the collective minds of humanity.It is claimed that a philosophical theory of everything would help us understand ourselves and our race to a greater extent than ever before. When humans are born we are selfish; we are simple-minded, we are basic in every sense of the word. Until now, most attempts to explain human behaviours and the composition of the mind have relied on evolutionary principles. Screen reader support enabled.

Consequences Of Humanity Observing Itself Expand Across The Cosmos

If a species is to survive and become dominant it must strive…
Bonus Videos & “Chemicals of Reality” Premium Video Available @ http://www.patreon.com/strangemysteries

Narrated by Jack Daniel www.jackdanielvo.com
Ending trailer by Ben Patrick Johnson

to expand. With this in mind, mankind’s sights are firmly set on colonising the universe. But are there any downsides to this?Are those who want to leave Earth the kind of people we want to populate our cosmic colonies?Even if mankind is proportionally represented when it colonises the cosmos, each of our independent colonies will still form distinct personalities and interests.Humanity changed forever when early Homo sapiens ended their hunter gatherer existence and began to form into agricultural societies around 10,000 years ago.When a species is introduced to a new environment it takes time to adapt.