The Gaia Hypothesis

Are we at one with the Earth? Is our relationship with our planet..
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symbiotic? This may sound like the ramblings of a dirty, tree-fondling hippy, but the idea to which we are referring is a genuine scientific theory put forward in the 1970’s by chemist James Lovelock and microbiologist Lynn Margulis. Also known as Gaia Theory, Gaia Principle or Gaia used to hang out with but stopped when he wouldn’t quit touching me, this idea originally proposed that our planet’s habitability was regulated by the presence of life. The Gaia Principle could be seen as nothing more than an attempt to reframe how mankind sees the Earth, how it sees itself, how we think about the environment and how we treat all life throughout the world and beyond.More evidence in support of the Gaia Hypothesis can be found within Earth’s oceans and through the measurement of our global temperatures.

Life Under a Black Sun

In the paper, Life Under a Black Sun, authors Tomas Opatrny,
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Lukas Richterek and Pavel Bakala describe a scenario whereby a planet is drawn into orbit not by a star, but a black hole.If a planet was found orbiting a specific type of black hole, there is a chance that strange life-forms could be found upon it.Opatrny, Richterek and Bakala have estimated that a total of 900 watts of useable power could be squeezed out of the temperature difference in place between a black hole sun and the CMB for use on one of its orbiting planets. According to Tomas Opatrny, a world in a similar situation to Miller’s Planet in the movie Interstellar would be heated to nearly 900 degrees Celsius.

Dark Stars.

Dark Matter, Dark Energy, Black Holes, Black Hole Suns;
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cosmologists sure do love their gloomy names don’t they?
And we can add another one to that list with the hypothetical existence of Dark Stars. A Dark Star is a theoretical type of star whose discovery may help us understand how our universe came to be as it is. Katherine Freese is a theoretical astrophysicist on the lookout for WIMPS, and before you get any ideas, no, she doesn’t have a weird attraction to simpering beta males.Despite having been created over thirteen billion years ago, just 200 million years after the Big Bang, it is the opinion of Katharine Freese that some Dark Stars may persist today in the farthest regions of our universe. If you want to search for Dark Matter out there in the universe, where would you go? The centre of a galaxy? Inside a supermassive black hole?

The Origin of the Mind: A Network of Choice

Whenever someone does something stupid they’ll often blame the
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circumstances at hand for their own personal error: I had to eat that whole pack of cookies because I was hungry, I punched that horse because I was scared, that lady was just too darn attractive for me to not cop a feel on the subway. We are apparently at the mercy of our human instincts. Except that’s not true at all…We are animals, and like all animals, when something stimulates our senses, we cannot help but react.The early multicellular organisms condensed their neuronal networks into what we now call a brain in order to process the massive amount of behavioural options available to them. Behaviour doesn’t just start and end with a system of stimulus-response.

Xenobiology: How We Are Creating Aliens

Searching for extraterrestrial life in the universe is a pretty arduous
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task. First, you need to identify where life might have formed. Then, you must scour this planet and a bazillion more before you get lucky and stumble across something which looks like a microscopic organism. But what if this lifeform came with us on the ship? How do we know it got here organically? Where are all the rest of the aliens? Bah, this sounds too much like hard work. Let’s just make a bunch of aliens here on Earth instead, via the exciting new field of Xenobiology.Xenobiology is an offshoot of synthetic biology, which is a cross-disciplinary field involving both biology and engineering.If you want to understand something, you must replicate the process which created it. It’s all well and good looking to the future of xenobiology and predicting what we might discover, how we might use it, and what colour unicorn you’re going to order when science allows for their glorious return to the Earth; but what are we using this technology for now?