Does Humanity Need World War 3 To Happen?

War, what is it good for? Absolutely everything, according to human
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Ending trailer by Ben Patrick Johnson

history anyway.If a fleet of drones was headed for your city ready to rain down fire and fury upon its inhabitants, I’d wager you’d feel about as safe as Wile E Coyote did every time he popped an umbrella in the face of a giant falling boulder. The root cause of many world conflicts can be traced to a clash of ideas.The only thing war affects as much as ideology is technology. In war, only the strongest survive.

Would Extraterrestrial Contact Harm or Benefit Humanity?

Human beings have been attempting to contact aliens for the past
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Narrated by Jack Daniel
Ending trailer by Ben Patrick Johnson

150 years. In the 19th Century, our efforts consisted of amusing inventions like the sky telegraph; which stood no chance of reaching someone in the next field, let alone the next galaxy. But in the modern age we have tools like the 1,000 foot Arecibo Observatory reflector dish at our disposal. We have sent a message to the cosmos that we are here, and we want to play. But should we be doing this?This video categorises the effects of alien contact into three broad categories; harmful, beneficial and neutral.There’s a good chance an advanced race will have peaceful, positive intentions for any new race they contact. One possibility most people don’t consider when evaluating the potential impact of aliens on humanity is that, after the initial excitement wears off, we might not care that much.

If We Observe Another Race Taking Over the Cosmos…

The day mankind discovers intelligent alien life out there in the
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Narrated by Jack Daniel
Ending trailer by Ben Patrick Johnson

universe will certainly be a momentous occasion, but how we react depends entirely on what they’re doing when we come to observe them.Dr Stephan Jay Olson is a member of Boise State University’s department of Physics, and in his paper, Long Term Implications of Observing an Expanding Cosmological Civilization, he asserts that large, expansionistic alien races are far more likely to be observed than isolated, average civilizations. If an alien race has reached a point where interstellar travel is within their capabilities then it is also assumed they will also have developed a highly refined form of artificial intelligence to work in conjunction with them. If a race of biological or inorganic beings is able to travel between stars or galaxies, it is a pretty safe bet that they know we exist, they know where we are, and they’ve probably got a pretty good handle on what our species is capable of.

The Implications of Mankind Being An Early Civilization of the Universe

Have human beings turned up to the cosmic party early? Are we….
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Narrated by Jack Daniel
Ending trailer by Ben Patrick Johnson

that group of super-keen narks who don’t know the meaning of the term “fashionably late?” Apparently so, according to NASA, whose research into the composition of the universe seems to indicate that life on Earth has developed quickly in comparison to other worlds. The basis for this video is a theoretical study performed by Molly Peeples and Peter Behroozi of the Space Telescope Science Institute which drew upon data collected by the Hubble Space Telescope and the Kepler Space Observatory. If humanity truly does exist upon one of the first 8% of habitable worlds, then it follows that only a small fraction of these will develop life, and an even smaller fraction advanced life.As well as passing on our ideas and observations, it is also important that we set a good example for how an advanced civilization comes to live in the universe.