Mysterious Plane Flying Over NJ in WEIRD Flight Path During Drone “Invasion”

Perhaps its a LIDAR search pattern to attempt to determine where the drones are coming from or going to during the day….which….seeing as its almost daybreak that would be a good time for them to do it (as the drones are known to stop flying around at around that time).

What is this plane doing? Why does it have a…bizarre flight path?…and Why does this correspond to all the dorne sightings?

Evidence of Ancient ET in Genetic Code: BIO-SETI LIVE

I’ve been wanting to try to present this for about 6 years now, but every time I get too intimidated. This is complex, there will be new concepts you will have to learn if you want to understand this and see it’s beauty. I anticipate this being part of a series of videos, that will eventually be condensed down into clean videos.

UPDATE #5: “I Received a Creepy E-mail w/ Leaked UFO Footage” – Forensic Image Analyses

This is the 4th update from the original video here:

-Part 2: “UPDATE: I Received a Creepy E-mail w/ Leaked UFO Footage (New Footage)”

-Livestream Answering and Collecting Questions for Source:
LIVE – SUBMIT QUESTIONS: “I Received a Creepy E-mail w/ Leaked UFO Footage”

-Part 3: “UPDATE #2: “I Received a Creepy E-mail w/ Leaked UFO Footage” – 1967 ‘Flying Cross’ UAP Photo Match!”

-Part 4: “UPDATE #3: “I Received a Creepy E-mail w/ Leaked UFO Footage” – HIS ANSWERS + NEW IMAGES

-Part 5: “UPDATE #4: “I Received a Creepy E-mail w/ Leaked UFO Footage” – FINAL ANSWERS + NEW IMAGES

-Part 6: “UPDATE #5: “I Received a Creepy E-mail w/ Leaked UFO Footage” – Forensic Image Analyses