How Old Is Humanity, REALLY?

Working out the age of humanity isn’t as easy as checking our…
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Narration by Jack Daniels

At end of video, trailer Narration by Ben Patrick Johnson, acclaimed narrator, novelist and human rights activist. @benpatrick90069 on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

…birth certificate and counting candles on a cake. First, we must define what humanity even is. Recorded human history only goes back around 5,300 years, because this is when our ancestors first began to use writing systems to document what was going on. Earth’s last glacial period, also known as the Ice Age, lasted from 110,000 years ago to about 11,700 years ago.When did humans first leave Africa to explore the planet? 200,000 years ago? 300,000 years ago? Wrong. Try two million years ago.

The Paradoxes Of Time Travel

If one day we discover that travelling through time is as easy as….
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Narration by Ben Patrick Johnson, acclaimed narrator, novelist and human rights activist.
@benpatrick90069 on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

…moving left and right, forwards and backwards or up and down,
then what ramifications would this have for our temporal existence? The most commonly cited paradox involving time travel describes how you could erase yourself from existence by going back and killing your own grandfather.If you successfully managed to travel back through time, would you even know what you’d done?

The Bootstrap Paradox describes a situation where a single object or piece of information is sent back in time, only to become trapped in an infinite loop of cause and effect.One thing we’ve not yet discussed about time travel paradoxes is the existence of the multiverse.

5 Most Thought Provoking Philosophical Questions

Questioning ourselves, our world and our reality may seem like….
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Narration by Ben Patrick Johnson, acclaimed narrator, novelist and human rights activist.
@benpatrick90069 on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

….the actions of someone with too much time on their hands. But the truth is, philosophical thinking has led to some of the most revolutionary concepts and some of the biggest scientific advances in human history. Philosophy is not some mumbo-jumbo attempt to explain away the unexplainable. It is a genuine field of inquiry which is crucial for the development of the human race. So let’s see if we can’t push things along a little quicker shall we, as we explore the five most thought-provoking philosophical questions.

Were We Intelligently Designed?

The idea that humans were intelligently designed is typically the…
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Narration provided by JaM Advertising New Mexico

nut-job creationists who are adamant that the Earth is 5,000 years old and that dinosaurs were sent to test us. But it also includes the theory that nature or an advanced alien race is our intelligent designer, so are these theories any more believable? Let’s find out, as we ask why do humans seem intelligently designed? nut-job creationists who are adamant that the Earth is 5,000 years old and that dinosaurs were sent to test us. But it also includes the theory that nature or an advanced alien race is our intelligent designer, so are these theories any more believable? Let’s find out, as we ask why do humans seem intelligently designed?

How Did Humans Become Intelligent?

Do you ever just sit there looking at a horse and think, why am…
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Narration provided by JaM Advertising New Mexico

I smarter than you horse? The brain consumes more energy than any other tissue of equivalent size in the human body. For human brains to grow and intelligence to develop, there had to be an evolutionary cause or reason behind this change. So what was it? Evolution can occur in one of two ways; microevolution, which involves lots of tiny changes over a long time, or macroevolution, whereby huge sudden changes occur very quickly. In the 1970’s Psychologist Julian Jaynes became fascinated by the idea of how human consciousness came to exist. The social brain hypothesis states that human intelligence arose in order to help us survive in large and complicated social groups.