Is Everyone in Your Life an Actor?..

Have you ever wondered if the people in your life are real?..
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If you’ve ever suspected that everyone in your life is an actor playing a part, then you have suffered from something called The Truman Show Delusion.When you’re having a bad day it can often feel like the whole world is conspiring against you. Solipsism is the belief that there’s only one thing in the world, the universe and reality which you can be certain exists; your mind.

The Most Horrifying Theories of Mankind’s Existence

The existence of mankind seems simple enough on the surface…
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we evolved from a lesser being, developed consciousness, formed civilizations, invented tacos and here we are. The Roko’s Basilisk theory doesn’t concern how mankind came into existence or how it exists today, but rather how it’s existence may end. This theory is based on the assumption that everything that makes humans feel human can be found within that pink squishy thing inside your skull. Your soul, your consciousness, your sense of existence; all of these are basic functions of a working human brain.Even if the brain in a vat theory is incorrect, it’s still possible that we are being manipulated and surveilled by a race whose presence we cannot detect. The Great Filter is a theoretical sieve which will determine whether humanity continues, or becomes extinct. Being the blissfully ignorant playthings of an alien life-form may seem quite scary, and so might the idea that humanity is approaching some kind of biological firewall.

Black Hole Mysteries Scientists CAN’T Solve

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Permission for use of thumbnail picture provided by
Andrew Hamilton at
“Screenshots from the Black Hole Flight Simulator”

Thumbnail photo represents “Exiting the white hole into a new Universe, which appears as an infinitely blueshifted, infinitely bright, point at the center of the black disk. We see the entire history of the new Universe in the point. The noise texture continues to show how gas accreting on to the black hole in our original Universe would appear lensed and redshifted.”

A slight brightness/contrast adjustment has been made from the original.

In January 2017, NASA announced a 188 million dollar…
mission explore the most exotic objects in the universe. This mission launches in 2020, and one of its priorities is to investigate black holes, as these peculiar entities still hold a great deal of intrigue for astrophysicists. The first question everyone asks regarding Black Holes is “what happens inside them?” Do not google this question. I repeat, do not ever type the words “Are Black Holes hairy” into a search engine.The idea that nothing can escape a black hole is based on the fact that it is impossible to resist their gravity once you’re inside one. The leading theory regarding our universe’s formation is the Big Bang. How this event took place and why it kicked off we don’t know, but one theory says it could have been caused by a gigantic black hole.

What Lies at the Center of the Universe?

If something exists, then logic dictates it must have a centre -a juicy..’
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middle with something exciting or intriguing at the core. So what might there be at the heart of our universe? Are we going to cheat with our very first entry? Why yes indeed we are. There is one kind of universe in which planet Earth is located smack-bang in the centre; and that is our observable universe. Where in the universe did the Big Bang take place? If we find the answer to this question, surely that means we can find out the location of the centre of the universe, doesn’t it? The Big Crunch describes one of the many potential fates for our universe, whereby the expansion of space not only stops, but reverses entirely causing the collapse of the universe. To some people it may feel like a cop out to tempt you with the possibility of something magical at the centre of our universe, only to go “ha ha there isn’t one”. So to alleviate your aching blue space balls, let’s take a look at the insane stuff going on at the centre of our galaxy, The Milky Way.

What if You Downloaded Someone Else’s Memories?

If you could copy and paste the memories of someone else into….
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your mind, which ones would you pick? The way you act is governed by the chemicals in your brain and the events you’ve experienced. We know that we can influence the former by messing with your grey matter’s chemical makeup, but could adding new memories fundamentally change who you are as a person?The opposite of Explicit Memory is Implicit Memory, and this type controls your subconscious movements; with everything from walking, speaking and driving all governed by the memories you gained while learning to do them.Semantic memory is another type of your conscious Explicit Memory, and this one helps you retain facts and information, with these memories consciously activated whenever you need to know something. If you’ve had a terrible life full of woe and failure would you replace your memories with better ones? And if so, what would happen to these memories once they’re implanted in your mind?