Why Would Aliens Visit Earth in Secret?

If you believe that extra-terrestrial beings have actually visited..
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Narration provided by JaM Advertising New Mexico www.tasteofjam.com

Earth, then you must also conclude that they have done so in secret and that this was done on purpose.
When David Attenborough wants to study the mating habits of iguanas he doesn’t burst in like Leeroy Jenkins and perve away; he watches from a distance using hidden cameras so as not to disturb them. It’s a sad truth that some people find it hard to deal with strangers from the next town over, so can you imagine how we’d react to a group of intergalactic interlopers turning up at our front door with their strange vehicles, weird outfits and incomprehensible genitalia?Why are we so sure that an alien race might stay in secret and try to observe us from a distance? The Zoo Hypothesis speculates that human beings are being observed by an alien race today, and that this might have been going on for some time. The premise of this video was to investigate the reasons why aliens would visit Earth and keep their presence secret, but this assumes that our guests would only do so deliberately. The million year head start we mentioned in our last entry is a very conservative estimate.

Why Does The Universe Exist?

You can’t help but notice lately that the universe actually does….
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Narration provided by JaM Advertising New Mexico www.tasteofjam.com

Pretty neat right? But why? Why does anything exist?
The Big Bang is the most commonly accepted explanation as to how our universe sprang into existence, but what triggered this spectacular event?Another field which attempts to explain why the universe exists is general relativity, although she and quantum mechanics rarely make for cosy bedfellows. Our universe’s space-time is theorised to exist in one of three different forms; flat as a pancake, curved outwards like this banana, or it curves inwards like this other banana.When we think about a time before our universe existed we tend to imagine endless space, with reality just waiting for our universe to fill it like an under-stuffed burrito.

Why is 1.618034 So Important?

Imagine if there was a perfect number, a single number so…
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Narration provided by JaM Advertising New Mexico www.tasteofjam.com

flawless it formed the basis for all art and music; a number so important that it could be used across the disciplines of mathematics and physics, and a number so profoundly purposeful that the natural world and the universe would bend to its whims. The Fibonacci Sequence is a string of numbers that begins with zero and one which can be extended infinitely by adding up any two consecutive numbers to find the next in the sequence. The Golden Ratio is a mathematical term used to describe the relationship of two figures, whereby the numbers seem to be in some form of complimentary ratio.To link the Fibonacci Sequence and the Golden Ratio we must look at the ratio between two consecutive numbers in Fibonacci, and observe the pattern this ratio takes as you use ever higher numbers. The Golden Ratio has fascinated the world’s most knowledgeable people for millennia since its discovery, and we have seen its influence in some of the finest works mankind has ever produced. Is the Golden Ratio a universal law applied by nature? The evidence seems to suggest so, and the aforementioned Leonardo Da Vinci may have alluded to this in some of his most famous works.

What Happens When AI Takes Over?

There is no denying the fact that we all exist today in the age of..
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Narration provided by JaM Advertising New Mexico www.tasteofjam.com

artificial intelligence, and while this era is only just beginning, many of us will live to see AI develop to a point where it permeates all human society. But how far can AI possibly go? As robots continue to take manual labour jobs around the world, many people are understandably concerned as to whether there will be enough blue collar positions available in the coming years. Education systems the world over are geared up to do one thing above all else; make you employable. But what happens when the skills you’ve been taught are no longer relevant and the jobs you’ve been trained for no longer exist? Imagine if you were sending a romantic text slash booty call to someone one day and in the middle of typing it out Siri pipes up: “Hey there, I see you’re trying to get laid. Would you like some assistance?” “Well sure Siri, help a player out.” What do Stephen Hawking, Steve Wozniak, Bill Gates and Elon Musk all have in common – aside from being brilliant minds and incredibly rich, obviously.

What is the Meaning of Life, in Relation to the Universe?

Trying to find a universal meaning for the existence of life can be..
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Narration provided by JaM Advertising New Mexico www.tasteofjam.com

a pretty tedious affair, even after you’ve excluded all those folks who say we should just live laugh and love. What if the meaning of life wasn’t an individual idea applied to each and every person, but instead, it was a goal for an entire species to strive for? A purpose that every man, woman and child could buy into; one which would transform humanity forever if we could achieve it?Another universe-based theory for the meaning of life which encompasses all mankind actually leads on from our previous entry, and it is called Transcension Hypothesis. What do you and this log have in common?