10 Things That Could Kill You Right Now

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Narration provided by JaM Advertising New Mexico www.tasteofjam.com

Your death is inevitable. You are a fleshy bag of meat and bones with just a few pounds of pressure in just the wrong place all that’s needed to permanently erase you from existence. But did you know that there are many things that could kill you right now in the supposed safety of your own home? It’s true. Meteorites, toilets and toddlers are all out to get you, as are a bunch of other things you’d never even think of. So let’s find out what’s gonna make your friends and family all teary-eyed, in our list of ten things that could kill you right now.

Imagine waking up one morning to see a large hole in your roof. That definitely wasn’t like that last night; I wonder where it came from? You turn to your wife for an answer. But something’s not quite right. She has a giant smouldering mess of pulp and bone where her face used to be. That definitely wasn’t like that last night.

Gamma Ray Bursts are hugely energetic space explosions that produce gamma radiation in gigantic quantities, and if one were to strike the Earth it could kill every last one of us in less time than it takes me to decide if I want cheese on something.

Are you eating while watching Strange Mysteries? I hope not, because choking is the fourth leading cause of unintentional injury death, with most cases involving some sort of food or chunky beverage – like skittlebrau, or vomit. Your average chance of choking to death is one in 4,404, with someone in the USA dying from throat nonsense every two hours

Are firearms legal in your country? Then make sure you’re packing one yourself, because someone is coming for you and everyone you love. It’s not terrorists, and it’s not the government, no…it’s toddlers.

Heart disease is the world’s number one killer, with 17.3 million people clutching frantically at their ticker and collapsing dead every single year. But what is the most common cause of heart disease? Is it smoking? Eating too much fatty food? Letting your mom use your laptop when you’re only 50% certain you’ve closed all your browser tabs?

Are you watching us from a pillowy fortess of duvet-based slumber paradise? Then be careful as you get out, because every year 450 Americans die from falling out of bed. This figure can be compared to a total of zero Americans killed each year by foreign nationals coming from the countries affected by Donald Trump’s travel ban, but do we see the rampant bed menace tackled?

Are you on prescription drugs at the moment? Well I sure hope your Doctor has great penmanship, because in the USA alone 7,000 people are killed annually due to unreadable prescriptions. Such confusion often leads to an accidental overdose, so the next time you get a script that looks a little bit like this…

At some point in their lives, approximately 1.5 to 3 percent of all people either have or will develop a brain aneurysm, and while most are entirely symptomless, a ruptured aneurysm is fatal in 40% of all cases.

Carbon Monoxide is an odourless, colourless and tasteless gas, and because of its subtle, undetectable nature it remains responsible for around half of all fatal poisonings in most countries.

Are you desperately waiting for this video to end because you really need to pee? Well clearly you’ve never heard of the pause button, dingus, but don’t go rushing off to play with the yellow lightsaber just yet, because draining the weasel might actually kill you.

Will Time End?

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Narration provided by JaM Advertising New Mexico www.tasteofjam.com

Time is a curious thing. Time can be exact. Time can be imprecise. Time can be slow for some and faster for others.

In our recent video on what happens when you die, we briefly touched upon an idea which may be relevant to the question of whether time can have a conclusion. Robert Lanza believes that consciousness is fundamental to the concept of time, and that without conscious beings, time simply stops existing. I guess it’s similar to the old thought experiment which asks if a tree falls in the forest and nobody’s there to hear it, does it make a sound? If nobody’s there to perceive it, does an event happen? Is perception the fundamental driver of all things, even the things we cannot control?

Current estimates peg the age of our universe at around 14 billion years old, but according to some physicists we may not make it out of our teens, as they believe time could grind to a halt five billion years from now. Or 3 billion years from now. Or in one second. Damn, I hope I’m wearing clean underwear.

You’ve heard of the big bang, but what about the big crunch? Sounds delicious right? Wrong. The big crunch is a theoretical ending to the universe whereby everything that ever was and ever has been coalesces into one final singularity; an ultra-dense region where you, Jupiter and giraffes are all smushed into a single point, within which time, according to physics, ceases to exist.

As human beings get older a common complaint is that time seems to feel like its speeding up. Your twenties go by in a whiz, your thirties are mere seconds, and before you know it you’re soiling yourself in an old folks home and bam you’re dead. So why does this happen? And could we ever manipulate this feeling?

We think of time as something which exists universally and which is experienced by everyone and everything in the same way. But that’s not true, as time dilation shows us. According to special relativity, the faster you go the slower times moves.

What Happens When You Die?

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Consciousness: what is it, where does it come from, and where does it go when we die?

Narration provided by JaM Advertising New Mexico www.tasteofjam.com

The notion of human consciousness has long been intertwined with the idea of a human soul; with discussions of the origins and fate of either capable of taking you on a rollercoaster ride of sci-fi fantasy and religious dogma as bloated as Grandma’s corpse.

Whenever a TV show runs out of material they always end the season with one of those crappy clip shows that no one likes. And it seems your brain does the same thing when you die, since many people report seeing a high-speed replay of their life’s memories flash before their eyes in the moments before death.

One of the most fascinating events described by those who have cheated death is the famous out of body experience, and judging by some of the first-hand accounts, this one seems like it’ll evade explanation for some time yet.

Since the dead are notoriously hard to interview, the best way of finding out how dying feels is to speak to those who’ve had a near death experience. And these almost-corpses tend to describe the same thing; a bright, white light that comes at the end of a euphoric trip down an ever-lasting tunnel.

7 WTF Discoveries from History

Over the course of archaeological history there have been many great discoveries, from ancient artefacts and items through to mysterious ruins and evidence of eerily-advanced long-lost cultures.

Narration provided by JaM Advertising New Mexico www.tasteofjam.com

Atlantis, Camelot, Disney World; these are just some of the legendary locations spoken of in ancient poems and texts which we believe are most probably fictional. The Roman Empire was one of the largest in Earth’s history, with its borders spanning as far as Spain in the West, Iraq in the East, Britain in the North and Egypt to the South. When you consider how some religious people today are still triggered by the idea that dinosaurs once roamed the Earth, imagine what kind of effect it had on the people of the early 19th Century when it was confirmed that these bones once belonged to a seventy-foot man eating reptile.When this pair of metal cat claws was discovered in a Peruvian cave back in 2014, it seemed that Charlie Kelly’s finest invention had actually been created fifteen-hundred years before him.Upon first glance you and I might think that the Voynich Manuscript is nothing more than an old biology textbook written in an ancient language, but if you know what you’re looking at then a WTF moment smacks you straight in the face like an unwanted Valentines gift from fist of Chris Brown.As if the discovery of dinosaur bones wasn’t unsettling enough to those of a devout nature, in 2016 we made yet another find that not only brings religion into question, but presently accepted science too.The culture of Ancient Egypt has fascinated man for centuries, with their hieroglyphic language, spectacular tombs and weird cat fixations making them one of the most intriguing civilizations that ever lived.

7 Dangerous Cults That Still Exist Today

The Bilderberg Group, The Freemasons, The Mickey Mouse Club – when it comes to bizarre and perverse practices, these are the secret societies most people think of almost immediately.

Narration provided by JaM Advertising New Mexico www.tasteofjam.com

Ordo Templi Orientis or Order of the Temple of the East is a secret religious society which began in a similar fashion to the Freemasons.When you think of the word Hashshashin what kind of image does it conjure up? Formed in 270 BC by Indian King Ashoka of the Maurya dynasty, this secret society contained only nine men, but was believed by some to be one of the most powerful groups in the world. Have you ever experienced that weird feeling you get when you suddenly learn a new word or phrase, then you can’t stop seeing it everywhere for days, weeks or even months afterwards? This British society was basically a club for 19th Century horse whisperers, with its members required to be employed in the care of horses, to keep the secrets of handling horses, and be willing to shake hands with the devil during the group’s acceptance ritual. Remember that Indian group with only nine members? Well the Giga Society is even more exclusive, consisting of just six or seven members in total, depending on which randomly Googled source you’d like me to believe. The Skoptsy are by far the most gruesome secret society on this list, as rather than celebrating human sexuality like Aleister Crowley and his pals, this brutal Russian sect would castrate men and mastectomise women in the belief that genitals and breasts were sinful.