7 INCREDIBLE Creatures from Ancient Earth Discovered

Ancient creatures roamed the Earth…and some new findings are shedding light on the unknown. Some of these creatures are a little freaky. Some are entirely new species.

Narration provided by JaM Advertising New Mexico www.tasteofjam.com

At first glance, Elasmotherium sibiricum may not seem all that astonishing.If you’ve seen the first video we did on astonishing creatures that once roamed the Earth, then you’ll remember that weird shark with the gigantic furled-up under-bite. As its name suggests, the Microraptor family were distantly related to the more famous Velociraptor genus, with both creatures having sprung from the Shanag genus of the Early Cretaceous period. Imagine going for a paddle and stepping on one of these bad boys. A giant rat you can ride? Yes please. Chalicotherium was a bizarre creature that existed in Europe, Asia and Africa between 28.4 and 3.6 million years ago. No list of the planet’s most astonishing creatures would be complete without naming its largest ever inhabitant – The Titanosaur Argentinosaurus Huinculensis – Or Tito Argento to his friends.

10 WEIRD Tests of Psychology & Personality: Answer Test Questions NOW!

Weird tests and can help you discover…your weird psychology. Just like a buzzfeed quiz.

Your neuroscience, iq, personality, etc. These tests can even be “brain games.” You can test for racism (don’t give bad answers), if you can hear colors, or even test if you have a resting b**** face. They can be interesting, so we’ve gathered the Top 10 as a list, and they are pretty weird, but based in science &psychology. Even so, I’ll bet most of us have taken a personality quiz at one point or another…

Narration provided by JaM Advertising New Mexico www.tasteofjam.com

….and who hasn’t spent ten minutes of their life trying to work out when they’re going to die, how much of an 80’s chick you are and which game of thrones character you’d like to die being spooned by.

I like to believe that I am completely free of all bias, whether it’s racial, political or otherwise. Has our last entry made you realise you’re not as woke as you thought? This one’s a little trippy, and I’m not sure how scientifically accurate it is, but what the hell let’s try it anyway. Hypnoid dot com’s shape test uses the Pierley Redford Dissociative Affect Diagnostic to test your brain’s affective response system, and while the results are often worded like a crap horoscope you’d read in Cosmo, the test itself is pretty darn trippy. Anyone else remember that early 2000’s website Hot or Not?Ever wonder if you’ve got flea bites? If you’ve uploaded a photo to Hot or Not and everyone’s told you you’ve got resting bitch face, then it’s important you get tested. This next one is mostly for residents of the USA, but since American culture has infected every corner of the globe then non-residents may wanna give it a shot anyway. If you’re in a relationship and your sex life is getting a little boring, you might consider introducing something new into the equation to spice things up. Synaesthesia is a condition which causes some humans to experience a strange crossover of the senses, such as the ability to associate sounds with colours, words with a certain taste, and to feel the sensation of being touched on certain areas of the body when a particular

Top 7 CRAZIEST Coincidences That Shouldn’t Have Happened: Unknown Facts of Unsolved Chaos & Murder

The facts are unknown if these top coincidences are really just chaos manifesting as unsolved facts with chance. Ever get the craziest feeling when you’re thinking about someone and at that very moment they call you on the phone? Doesn’t that just freak you the heck out? Are coincidences rooted in the reality of facts?

Narration provided by JaM Advertising New Mexico www.tasteofjam.com

It’s fair to say that Jennifer Bricker’s life didn’t start out how she would have hoped, considering that she was born without legs, with her heart on the wrong side of her body, and she was then put up for adoption by her parents. I can’t decide whether this next story is a genuine coincidence or if the guy involve is simply the stupidest criminal in existence. What do you think?If you thought the story of Jennifer Bricker was weird then just wait until you hear the remarkable tale of the Jim twins, whose lives are not so much coincidental, more an exact carbon copy.That last story was pretty bizarre, but surely this kind of thing only happens once every bazillion years or so, doesn’t it? In 1973, 18 years before he developed a taste for human flesh, actor Anthony Hopkins signed a contract to start in a film based on a book called The Girl From Petrovka by George Feifer. 37-year-old Australian man Bill Morgan had a pretty nasty year back in 1999. In June 2007 the wrestler Chris Benoit murdered his wife and seven-year-old son, before taking his own life using a weights machine.

Top 10 Most Disturbing Wikipedia Pages: WARNING – Scary Facts – Not Creepypasta

Facts: Top 10 Most Disturbing Wikipedia facts has proven itself the eternal saviour of lazy college students like mr nightmare everywhere unlike creepypasta with its scary stories, but aside from putting door to door encyclopaedia salesmen out of a job this website is also handy if you’re looking to traumatise yourself and become a jabbering, emotional wreck.

Narration provided by JaM Advertising New Mexico www.tasteofjam.com

If you were dying from an incurable disease and you wanted to go out on your own terms, would you choose to end it all via the end of a needle in some dingy clinic in Switzerland, or on a kickass rollercoaster that twists your brain into custard?In 2011 a Mexican drug gang called Los Zetas took nearly two hundred people hostage on a bus in the region of San Fernando, and everything about this case, from its discovery to the way people were killed will chill you to the bone.Mayhem were a black metal band from the Norwegian city of Oslo…although when I say were that’s not strictly true…because what makes their Wikipedia page particularly disturbing is the fact that they still are a band, which is surprising, considering the gruesome things they’ve gotten up to in the past.Armin Meiwes was the infamous German cannibal killer whose victim, Bernd Jurgen Armando Brandes, voluntarily offered up his severed penis for Meiwes to prepare and consume…which he did. Alien Hand Syndrome is the term used to describe someone who feels as if one or more of their limbs are acting beyond their control, and the Wikipedia page for this bizarre condition contains some seriously creepy examples.The Jonestown commune was a settlement of people established in northwestern Guyana by religious cult leader Jim Jones, who, in 1978, convinced 918 of its residents to commit suicide.All you need to know about the Wikipedia page on Penis Removal is that it conta

8 Alien Species of Strange Mysteries: The UFOs Leak & Ancient Aliens Species Mystery Unsolved

Alien, Ufos Ancient Aliens, Mystery, UFO Findings, and a mothership? Sounds like secureteam10. Lets start with our space documentary. There are two things which almost every alien encounter seems to have in common; hillbilly butt stuff, and aliens that look eerily similar to those we’ve heard described in the stories of other people. Extra leak? Maybe.

Narration provided by JaM Advertising New Mexico www.tasteofjam.com

Greys are the most recognizable form of alien species, with these short, hairless grey humanoids involved in the majority of alien encounters, making up 50% in Australia, 43% in the US and 67% in Brazil, because clearly the universe does not adhere whatsoever to diversity quotas. Nordic aliens are the type which most closely resemble human beings, with their eight-foot stature, blonde hair and blue eyes leading some to believe that these creatures are actually our ancient ancestors who have returned to study us.The Reptilian breed of alien is difficult to describe physically, as not only are there three types, but these creatures also possess the power to change their appearance. The Anunnaki were first mentioned in the myths of the ancient Sumerians, who were the first race of humans to develop the ideas which led to modern civilization. The Kyllimir-Auk is a lesser known species of alien due to them being banned from visiting Earth in the year 1000BC for unknown reasons. The Maitre are described as the most violent and sinister race of aliens in the known universe, and despite already occupying two planets in the Megopis constellation, they are always hungry for more. Not to be confused with people from Syria or that lady who lives in your phone, the Sirians were one of the first alien civilizations to visit our Solar System around four to five million years ago. All those stories about the goat-sucking Chupacabra – they’re real don’t you know.