Die “Apokalypse des Abraham” und die Astronautengötter – Reiste der Stammvater in das All?

Alles über die Rätsel & Mysterien der Welt und darüber hinaus. Rätsel & Mysterien der Welt – der Channel des Schriftstellers, Journalisten und Phänomene-Jägers Lars A. Fischinger. Das altjüdische Buch “Die Apokalypse des Abraham” (fast 2000 Jahre alt) erzählt uns, dass der Stammvater angeblich durch vermeintliche “Engel” vom Himmel die Erde verlassen hat – und von dort die Erde aus dem All sah. “Lügen” die Prä-Astronautik-Freunde bei diesen Texten bzw. verfälschen diese im Zusammenhang? Ist es nur belletristische Spinnerei eines gewieften Dan Brons unser Vorfahren im Nahen Osten? Links: www.Fischinger-online.blogspot.de www.twitter.com www.facebook.com Buch zum Thema: “Götter der Sterne: Bibel, Mythen und kosmische Besucher” Nachtrag: Die beliebte Aussage aus Kapitel 17. in Englisch: “And I desired to fall down upon the earth, and the high place, on which we stood, [at one moment rose upright,] but at another rolled downwards. And he said: “Only worship, Abraham, and utter the song which I have taught thee; because there was no earth to fall upon.”

Consciousness Does it Come From The Soul ? Part 1 of 2

The Mystery of Consciousness. Even today in the world of modern science there are many problems faced when trying to understand Consciousness. Where has it come from? How does matter become aware of it’s own existence? Ever Wondered about This? Then this Video will Blow you Away!


This video examines and reveals various secrets held by the highest ranking members of the world’s secret society networks including the freemasonic “illuminati” or “enlightened ones”. Symbology has a very high emphasis among such groups as they respect and understand the power they hold in affecting the world around us. The American dollar bill is packed full of occultic significance all of which is explained such as the language used, the pyramid, the all seeing eye, the numerology and the owl of moloch. The Bohemian Grove is also briefly discussed given the connection it has with the very same pagan deity being worshipped by some of the world’s leading and most powerful politicians, industrialists and media moguls. Excerpts were taken from a lecture given by researcher and historian Jordan Maxwell.

Charlie Chaplin Time Travelled into 21st Century

Flat Screen TV in 1936 My son spotted really large TV in Charlie Chaplin’s film The Modern Times. The scenes in the film show Massive flat screen TV in 1936 This short video present possible explanation of this impossible fact. Charlie Chaplin gained either access to the project Pegassus – Andrew D. Bassiago and time travlled from late sixties into the 21st century and back into 1936. Or Did his good friend Albert Einstein took him on one of his totally hidden and almost unknown time trips? What do you think?

Illuminati Subliminals or Ancient Archetypes? HD Docu: ‘Symbolism in Logos’ RedIceTV

~sub & support: youtube.com ~Fair Use DISCLAIMER: I do not own this video, full credits to: redicecreations.com This video is [FAIR USE] under © COPYRIGHT LAW it is 01. noncommercial 02. trans-formative in nature 03. not competitive with the original work 04. not effecting its market negatively. FAIR USE NOTICE: This video contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding issues, etc. We believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 USC 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes This episode was filmed in Bath and Bristol, England featuring special guests such as Michael Tsarion, Neil Hague, Ralph Ellis, Leo Rutherford, Neil Kramer, Dan Tatman and Peter Taylor. We also interview a priest, university students, teachers and of course a couple random pub interviews. We begin the show discussing the symbolism of two major corporations, Starbucks and Apple. What is really being said in logos? ~infopowerment truthers network~ -new kind of unity against tyranny- infopowerment.whynotnews.eu http 01 youtube.com 02 youtube.com 03 youtube.com 04 youtube.com 05 youtube.com 06 youtube.com 07 youtube