La latitud 19,47º de las esferas cósmicas. Supermassive black hole Sun cicle: day 21/12/2012. HD

La importancia de esta latitud, en las esferas cósmicas, fué descubierta por Richard Hoagland ( física hiperdimensional) y el físico suizo Nassim Haramein (la estructura fractal del universo). Su importancia, se ha puesto de manifiesto en el reciente terremoto de Japon, y seguirá aumentando a medida que se acerca el viernes 21 de Diciembre del año 2012. Homenaje al genio José Argüelles, sincretizador de la sabiduria maya, y su calendario dreamspell. #4 Superfavoritos (hoy)- Ciencia y tecnología. #7 Más valorados (hoy)- Ciencia y tecnología. #9 Más comentados (hoy)- Ciencia y tecnología. #15 Superfavoritos (esta semana)- Ciencia y tecnología.

CH. V – Healing in 5D

There’s a doctor in South America I know of through some family members who are acquainted and have had consultations with him. His name is Dr. Wilson Araya and he is a perfect example of using a 5D consciousness for healing. He can help from miles and miles away he doesn’t even need to see you just to know your name. One story involves an aunt, who called Dr. Araya from the US after learning she had a cancerous tumor in her breast, he was able to save her much time and energy though it was apparently already too late to treat her cancer at the stage it was in. She needed to have dealt with her deep-seated guilt years ago… What he was able to do, at that point, was see that there were actually 2 malignant spots in her breast—not just the one that physicians in the states were able to see with their X-ray exams. He warned her that the prognosis given to her would not do the trick–as they missed this other danger–and to make sure to get further scans of higher resolution and get a better prognosis. Sure enough, the American doctors were bewildered when they heard this story and astonished when they confirmed with further scans that it was true. The way he does his work is weird to some but if you have been paying attention to this series you should be able to understand: for what he does, when someone asks him what is the matter with them, is to simply go into himself and ask himself “what is the matter with me?” By looking at himself at this level he can pinpoint the

Fractals, Universal Tree Mapping and The Golden Mean part 1

The film that was used: Fractals.Similarities. Patterns. Design.the.Hidden.Dimension.XviD.mp4

Nassim Haramein – The Resonance Project 1

are the center of the Universe, That the universe is expanding and contracting at the same time, what is Gravity, Particle physics, CERN, infinity and scale. Don’t miss this fascinating continuation with Nassim. … Nassim Haramein The Resonance Project Holofractographic Universe Unified Field Theory Crossing the Event Horizon Albert Einstein Geometry Quantum Physics Mechanics Fractal Vacuum Free Energy Holographic Space Time Gravity CERN Consciousness Mind Science Dimensions Richard …