Evolution of Shape

Over millions of years, pressures to gain even the slightest edge have resulted in nearly infinite variations on the basic animal shape. Explore the evolution of animal shape and how the slightest alteration of a leg or head can mean the difference between life and extinction. Whether dictated by the need for speed, population density or a host of other factors, the biological world revolves around size.

Evolution of Guts HD

It doesn’t just take willpower to survive it takes guts. Life needs the energy to exist and almost all animals get their energy in the same way, with a built-in power plant, a digestive system that turns food into fuel. take a close look at the role guts have played in shaping some of Earth’s most successful animals: dinosaurs, snakes, cows and us.

Dramatic Lion Hunt: Lions The Best Hunters Ever! Wildlife

An amazing, yet emotional sighting! Dramatic scenes as the Selati male lions start to stalk a herd of buffalo. The male lions have their eye on a buffalo cow with a newborn calf only minutes old. The hunt takes place on an open floodplain where the buffalo should notice the lions approaching, the newborn calf is not old enough to be aware of the danger…
Two male lions attack the mother buffalo and the buffalo calf watches the lions unaware the third male is on it’s way.
The third male lion leaps on the buffalo calf before assisting the other two lions to bring down the buffalo cow and complete the kill.

Evolution of Communication HD

Communication isn’t just the key to a good relationship; it also goes a long way toward ensuring the success of a species. While humans, comfortable at the top of the food chain, have made the most out of this particular evolutionary achievement, organisms everywhere, from dolphins to amoebae van be found speaking to one another.