Could we be unique in the universe or is there another planet similar to earth somewhere in the cosmos? Is it possible that Alpha Centauri, our nearest star, is home to another earth-like planet? Earth sized planets have been hard to find, but indirect methods are coming on line to give scientists a good survey of how many such bodies may be in the universe.
Tag: nature
National Geographic | Evacuate Earth – Documentary HD 720p
If we faced a countdown to destruction, could we build a spacecraft to take us to new and habitable worlds? Can we Evacuate Earth? This documentary special examines this terrifying but scientifically plausible scenario by exploring how we could unite to ensure the survival of the human race.
Terence Mckenna: Love, Time & Nature
Terence Mckenna: A relatively short clip of Terence Mckenna doing what he does best. The music is : Thievery Corporation- Shiva The Video is: a random BBC earth video
Cities on MARS revealed
NASA / ESA coverup. Evidence of cities on Mars. What ESA and NASA are hiding from you.
Who are YOU? a Bunch of Chemicals or the Soul ?
Science has many people thinking that we are just a combination of chemicals, if so why cry when you lose a loved one? they were only chemicals so why cry? NO, we are the Conscious soul in the body and that’s why we have the power to feel! Can a dead body feel ? No because the soul has left. Check this out. Real Science.