Billy Graham and Pat Robertson Exposed — (Masonic) Symbolism Revealed #4

A picture is worth a thousand words, and even a few of them is enough evidence to expose both Billy Graham and Pat Robertson as high level Masons. These men have deceived millions of people lacking interpretation of their affiliation. For me, understanding their affiliation was a fairly recent revelation that began when I started to read the book Codex Magica by Texe Marrs which provides an extraordinary expose of such occult symbolism. Anyway, on to a more positive note … Happy Thanksgiving to all! William Franklin “Billy” Graham, Jr. (born November 7, 1918) is an American evangelical Christian evangelist. As of April 25, 2010, when he met with Barack Obama, Graham has spent personal time with twelve United States Presidents[1] dating back to Harry S. Truman, and is number seven on Gallup’s list of admired people for the 20th century.[2] He is a Southern Baptist.[3][4] He rose to celebrity status as his sermons were broadcast on radio and television. (Wikipedia, Billy Graham) Marion Gordon “Pat” Robertson (born March 22, 1930)[1] is a media mogul, television evangelist, ex-Baptist minister and businessman who is politically aligned with the Christian Right in the United States. He is the founder of numerous organizations and corporations, including the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), the Christian Coalition, Flying Hospital, International Family Entertainment Inc., Operation Blessing International Relief and

Shocker: Citizen Spy Networks to be Given Immunity! – Alex Jones Tv 2/3

Paul Joseph Watson January 27, 2011 New York Republican Peter King has introduced a bill that would protect the army of citizen spies Homeland Security hopes to recruit under Janet Napolitano’s “See Something, Say Something” snoop campaign from lawsuits brought by innocent people wrongly accused of being terrorists or extremists. “A top US lawmaker unveiled legislation on Wednesday to protect individuals who tip off authorities to potential extremist threats from lawsuits, in the event that they turn out to finger innocents,” reports AFP. House Homeland Security Chairman King, who is pushing the “See Something, Say Something Act,” wants to shield “good citizens who report suspicious activity” from facing the consequences of misidentifying innocent behavior as extremism or terror. Of course, this will only encourage untrained people to report any behavior whatsoever, no matter how benign, as potential terrorism, creating an army of enthusiastic but hapless citizen spies. “King said his bill would extend protections from individuals “who report suspicious activity anywhere,” adds the report, making reference to the DHS’ “See Something, Say Something” campaign, which characterizes paying for things with cash as a suspicious activity. The program was launched with the aid of Orwellian telescreens at Wal-Mart checkouts that play a message from Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano encouraging Americans to report anything unusual to Wal

Shocker: Citizen Spy Networks to be Given Immunity! – Alex Jones Tv 1/3

Paul Joseph Watson January 27, 2011 New York Republican Peter King has introduced a bill that would protect the army of citizen spies Homeland Security hopes to recruit under Janet Napolitano’s “See Something, Say Something” snoop campaign from lawsuits brought by innocent people wrongly accused of being terrorists or extremists. “A top US lawmaker unveiled legislation on Wednesday to protect individuals who tip off authorities to potential extremist threats from lawsuits, in the event that they turn out to finger innocents,” reports AFP. House Homeland Security Chairman King, who is pushing the “See Something, Say Something Act,” wants to shield “good citizens who report suspicious activity” from facing the consequences of misidentifying innocent behavior as extremism or terror. Of course, this will only encourage untrained people to report any behavior whatsoever, no matter how benign, as potential terrorism, creating an army of enthusiastic but hapless citizen spies. “King said his bill would extend protections from individuals “who report suspicious activity anywhere,” adds the report, making reference to the DHS’ “See Something, Say Something” campaign, which characterizes paying for things with cash as a suspicious activity. The program was launched with the aid of Orwellian telescreens at Wal-Mart checkouts that play a message from Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano encouraging Americans to report anything unusual to Wal

Webster Tarpley on Alex Jones Tv 1/11:What’s Next for The NWO?

Alex welcomes back to the show author, intelligence expert, historian, journalist, lecturer, and GCN radio talk show host Webster Tarpley. Tarpley’s latest book, Obama: The Postmodern Coup, is available at the Alex Jones Infowars store. Tarpley also appears in Alex Jones’s latest film, The Obama Deception.