If you have doubts how I proved the vortex please see the following video: youtu.be
Tag: nibiru
First Pictures of Nibiru Planet X Elenin 06/29/2011
stereo-ssc.nascom.nasa.gov uyghur.nl www.infowars.com www.jordanmaxwell.com www.redicecreations.com www.rense.com truthfrequencyradio.com www.jimmarrs.com www.lloydpye.com www.davidicke.com www.michaeltsarion.com www.vaticanassassins.org iamthewitness.com
There are multiple structural and geometrical rocks who make remind to architectural forms on this picture taked by the Opportunity rover. Look at 6:00 on the upper left corner if you want a proof. The messages from people who tell “that’s just rocks” are not accepted. Yes this is rocks.. but ARTIFICIAL rocks. Image Source : marsrovers.jpl.nasa.gov MUSIC: 1th Song Artist: Nine Inch Nails / Song: Gone, Still 2th Song Artist: Massive Attack / Song: Everybody’s Got A Family 3th Song Unknown Artist – The Last Inch
Retired Command Sergeant Major in the US Army, Bob Dean Tells All part 1
12/21/2012 – Sphinx, Orion Nebula, Hyperdimensional Physics Hr Angle 19h 47m 11:11 AM
Orion Nebula = Hour Angle at that time is 19h 47m 14s @ 11:11 AM. Coincidence? Yeah right!