The Jimmy Jones Overture

The Jimmy Jones Band …a story of many stories, music of much music. … the coolest kid jimmy jones band overture introduction musical composition opera rock roll elvis presley punk counter culture poopy pies big titties swinging moist vagina beethoven frank zappa mozart bob dylan jesus enlightenment alan watts atman self universe brahma siddhartha buddha zen nirvana death nothingness your soul spirit wolves snow all knowing of nothing to be known …

All Or Nothing To Me…

I recorded this audio about 2 months ago. I wrote this on the plane, flying back to Fallon, from Home, after my Mom’s funeral last year. I’m not stuck in the same place I was then, but I expect to go there occasionally, ’til I leave this life. I tried to cut out the crying at the beginning, so that’s why it starts out choppy. I ended up just saying “forget it”. GBU, MDJ. All Or Nothing To Me If I were to write something, what would it be? It would be that this writing means nothing to me …