Alex Jones and Alan Watt Tv_8-05-08 Mind Control p5


All Seeing Eye of Horus – During the 9/11 Memorial Service at Ground Zero

They are letting you know who really did it. The World Trade Center subway station also has the all seeing eye, see for yourself:

All You Zombies

Religion is something known to us through inner experience “Never do anything against conscience, even if the state demands it.” – Albert Einstein “Clearly the person who accepts the Church as an infallible guide will believe whatever the Church teaches.” – St. Thomas Aquinas “In questions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual.” – Galileo Galilei Thank you for watching

Alaska Senator Ted Stevens GUILTY on ALL COUNTS …McCain Palin Republican Ramifications Clear Sarah Palin’s friend and political pal Ted Stevens has been found guilty on ALL counts by the Grand Jury in Alaska – Breaking News… Press conference of the news released, now the Presidential election is more important than ever, to root out the corruption that exists in Alaska – and no doubt clings to the coattails of one Governor Sarah Palin as she tries to march her big oil interests into the White House. John McCain’s campaign continues to slide downhill and his running mate …

Best Man Speech. Okay, not really. Just a speech at an Indian Wedding.

good there. Enjoy! … funny speech ever wedding gujarati reception indian speach desi emcee mc best man bestman hindi punjabi guju ideas toast sikh sari songs hindu dresses invitations toronto canada usa america india crashers groom quotes jokes bride free tips facebook myspace youtube you tube hotmail wikipedia yahoo twilight uusee dance ketan krupa deepak chopra tv radio music itunes ipod suit tie fiji dress obama theme cake topics love venues trini guyanese halls all time alltime year …