Occupy-Wall-Street-Dr.Cornell-West-We-the-People-Have-Found-Our-Voice 9/27/11

Dr. Cornell West We the People Have Found Our Voice 9/27/11 ENHANCED VERSION – This is a special AUDIO BOOSTED VERSION By Ortorea: Main site occupywallst.org This is NOT about fighting for individual solitary beliefs because invariably their will always be division, What this is about is THE COMMON CAUSE focus on what we all have in common, NOT OUR DIFFERENCES because if we focus on our own difference then we are doing exactly what the 1% has always done to us by turning each and one one of you against each other. Focus on the REAL issues at hand, the FACT the banks have stolen the USA right out from under you and left you all impoverished. Stay on common ground, and we all can win. This is exactly what the Police want, if this turns Violent !!! because then they will impose Marshall law and throw all the protesters into the ready and awaiting FEMA camps, if you don’t know about the FEMA camps you should research them. Fact is the Police are powerless against peaceful protesters the arrests are purely for show, they have to release them 48 hours later due to lack of evidence. The peaceful protesters are winning by exposing the Police for their Inappropriate actions and behaviour. We have to UNITE peacefully, the Brute force of vicious men DO NOT KNOW how to tackle PEACE LOVING PEOPLES especially when they can be held accountable, their are websites out their that can help you find inner peace here are just a few listed here www.divinecosmos.com David Wilcock is very

Sophia Loren and Jean-Paul Belmondo in Two Women (1960 Movie)

DVD: www.amazon.com thefilmarchive.org Two Women (Italian: La ciociara, roughly translated as “[The Woman] from Ciociaria”) is a 1960 Italian film directed by Vittorio De Sica. It tells the story of a woman trying to protect her young daughter from the horrors of war. The film stars Sophia Loren, Jean-Paul Belmondo, Eleonora Brown, Carlo Ninchi and Andrea Checchi. The film was adapted by De Sica and Cesare Zavattini from the novel of the same name written by Alberto Moravia. The story centers on Cesira (Loren), a widowed Roman shopkeeper, and Rosetta (Brown), her devoutly religious twelve-year-old daughter, during World War II. To escape the Allied bombing of Rome, Cesira and her daughter flee southern Lazio for her native Ciociaria, a rural, mountainous province of central Italy. After they arrive at Ciociaria, Cesira attracts the attention of a young local intellectual with communist sympathies named Michele (Jean-Paul Belmondo). However, Michele is eventually taken prisoner by a company of German soldiers, who hope to use him as a guide to the mountainous terrain. Later, Cesira and Rosetta learn that he has been shot and killed by the same soldiers who took him hostage. After the Italian liberation, mother and daughter decide to go back to Rome. After experiencing mild harassment and propositioning throughout their journey, they fall subject to an unexpected tragedy. As they rest in a bombed-out church, they are captured and gang raped by Goumiers (Moroccan allied

Terrorist Congress Declares War on American People

Aaron Dykes Host tonights Infowars Nightly News. Aaron breaks down the recent passage of S. 1867, the National Defense Authorization Act. Aaron looks back on the interview that Alex Jones just did this past Thursday with patriot, 2nd amendment advocate, Stewart rhodes of Oath Keepers. Darrin McBreen, Our Man on The Street, ask the people what they think of the passing of the NDAA Bill by the Senate. ‘Indefinite Detention’ Bill Passes Senate 93-7 Americans completely stripped of all rights under Section 1031 Paul Joseph Watson www.infowars.com www.prisonplanet.tv Friday, December 2, 2011 The Senate last night codified into law the power of the US military to indefinitely detain an American citizen with no charge, no trial and no oversight whatsoever with the passage of S. 1867, the National Defense Authorization Act. One amendment that would have specifically blocked the measures from being used against US citizens was voted down and the final bill was passed 93-7. Another amendment introduced by Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Dianne Feinstein that attempted to bar the provision from being used on American soil, an effort to ensure “the military won’t be roaming our streets looking for suspected terrorists,” also failed, although Feinstein voted in favor of the bill anyway. www.infowars.com