The Death of Our Species

Alex continues his exploration of the Rand and Ron Paul firestorm sweeping the patriot movement and also covers other important news stories. [Check out Alex’s New Social Network-‘Planet Infowars’

peter forbes – looking all around

A black and white super 8 film I made for the song ‘Looking All Around,’ off my Demos EP. It features a lot of interesting and beautiful street art from the city of Toronto. Thanks to John, Swapna and Amanda. This film played as part of the Island Media Arts Co-op project for the 2011 East Coast Music Awards in Charlottetown.

Richard Dawkins interviews the Bishop of Oxford-Uncut (1/4)

An uncut interview from the BBC television documentary “The Root of All Evil?”. Bishop Harries and Richard Dawkins have collaborated on several occasions to promote the proper teaching of science in UK classrooms. This is the full unedited interview, which was originally filmed by IWC for the Channel Four documentary ‘Root or All Evil?’ Credit: This video is copyrighted to the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science and not IWC media. *Note. This video is a reupload, as it was taken down in the past due to copyright violation. This has been cleared-up 100%. Special thanks goes out to Josh Timonen for the copyright and legal help as well as to Youtube.