2/12 Blogtalk Round Table Stewart Best Larry Taylor Stan Deyo LA Marzulli – JAN 11

CLICK HERE FOR EASY PLAYLIST www.youtube.com Matthew 24:8 But all these things are merely the beginning of birth pangs Blogtalk Spitfire Radio 1-11-11 www.blogtalkradio.com Stewart Best and Larry Taylor www.thelightgate.com Stan Deyo http LA Marzulli lamarzulli.wordpress.com

They Own It All (Including You!), part 3 of 5

From Anthony J. Hilder’s documentary FrankenFed, available via his website www.freeworldfilmworks.com


Michael Cremo is on the cutting edge of science and culture issues. In the course of a few month’s time he might be found on pilgrimage to sacred sites in India, appearing on a national television show, lecturing at a mainstream science conference, or speaking to an alternative science gathering. As he crosses disciplinary and cultural boundaries, he presents to his various audiences a compelling case for negotiating a new consensus on the nature of reality. Michael Cremo is a member of the World Archeological Congress and the European Association of Archaeologists as well as an associate member of the Bhaktivedanta Institute specializing in history and philosophy of science.


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