Jonathan Davis talks about the illuminati, barack obama, white house, in a interview

lead singer of korn talks about the illuminati


Fascism Obvious all Over the Place, Socialism, its Twin Has Same Old Face. All links can be found at:

Alan Watt [8th Dec, 2011] – Fascism Obvious all Over the Place

Fascism Obvious all Over the Place, Socialism, its Twin Has Same Old Face. All links can be found at:


Maxwell exposes Papal Vatican Power as the Temporal Worldly Power of Demons and not of God. Temporal, because “Satan knows his time is short” as the Ruler of this World. This rule is seen in Papal Temporal Power. The New World Order of Satan and the Pope is in progress, but the capstone as seen on the US dollar bill of the Catholic Bankers is not set yet. If you want to Protest the NWO, focus your attention on the visible head that comes disguised as Christ. Focus on Rome and all it’s covert agents within Freemasonry, Georgetown and other Jesuit Universities, Skull and Bones, Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, and Jesuit schemes like the Patriot Act. Hack at the root, not the branches, cause all Roads lead to Rome. Rev 17 says the Great Whore dressed in Red and Purple is the Vatican.

They Own It All (Including You!), part 2 of 5

From Anthony J. Hilder’s documentary FrankenFed, available via his website