DOOMSDAY? or. just a close fly by as YU55 has Done Many Times Before…Near-Earth asteroid 2005 YU55 will pass within 0.85 lunar distances from the Earth on November 8 – 11 – 2011 & as With Comet Elenin is it ALL Dis-Info So No One Would Notice What is Happening in the canary Islands.. Over 6000 Earthquakes in the Last 6 Months & Now Over 4000 People Have Been Evacuated in the Last 5 days.. Also After the Lul in Earthquakes it Now Looks Like the Action is to Pick Up Around the Ring of Fire & The New Madrid Fault Lines Over the Next Coming Week ..See Links Below for Earthquake Monitor as All the Others Inc’ USGS are NOT Showing Real Time Updates.. Earthquake Website – Remember that the Earth has gone through periods of abrupt and catastrophic change, for Years some due to the impact of large asteroids and comets on the planet. A few of these impacts may have caused massive climate change and the extinction of large numbers of plant and animal species. The most significant recorded impact in recent times was the Tunguska event, which occurred in Siberia, Russia, in 1908. This incident involved an explosion that was probably caused by the airburst of an asteroid or comet 5 to 10 km (3.1 to 6.2 mi) above the Earth’s surface, felling an estimated 80 million trees over 2150 km2 (830 sq mi). So Also Remember that YES Things Happen On Earth BUT Also Remember that YOU are Changing as a Spiritual Soul & for Some YOU are Reconnecting to YOUR Inner Self Again.. SO …
Tag: outer
Mars Rover Curiosity Planet Exploration NASA Alien Life Search – mars rover curiosity planet exploration nasa alien life search seti ovni martian landing science real star trek outer space comicon seticon richard hoagland coast to coast am cydonia secrets universe martians olympics unknown mysteries gale crater water lifeforms save today new this week month news unexplained aliens ufo flying saucer rovers jpl mars rover curiousity planet exploration nasa alien life search seti ovni martian landing science real star trek outer space pictures photos comicon seticon first pics richard hoagland coast to am cydonia secrets universe martians olympics stephenville texas tarleton university unknown mysteries gale crater water lifeforms save today new this week month news unexplained aliens unsolved ufo flying saucer rovers jpl
2012, 9/11, Space, Conspiracy, Box Car Racer
*READ* _ This video shows images and information on 2012, 9/11, Government Conspiracys, Outer Space, Alien Contact, and the band Box Car Racer. The three songs are 1. All Systems Go 2. Watch the World 3. Elevator , the music and lyrics and important so be sure to listen. Watch the whole…
Skriblah DanGogh – SOS (OFFICIAL VIDEO)
Taken from my debut album “The Little White Dot” OUT NOW on iTunes Skriblah DanGogh // Website // Twitter Facebook // www.facebook I do not own any of the visual footage. All rights are reserved by the respective owners.
In this set of videos we will be thrust into the World of the Extraterrestrial Political motivations for Earth and also their involvement with all of humanity in the history of our beautiful Planet Earth. This is an interview between the greatly intellectual Mr. Freeman Fly of “The Freeman Perspective”. Dr. Michael Salla is one of the heroic people who started the idea and also the college/school for “Exopolitics”. The interview includes information on the Extraterrestrial situation on Earth. He is actually the head of the entire Exopolitics Institute. Thius interview was done on the date of March 15th, 2007. It is a defintie must watch for anyone out thewre who follows Mr. Freeman Fly’s incredible work or if you are fans of the Extraterrestrial phenomenom which is in all truth very real. Please visit and support the following websites for providing the World with this incredible information and knowledge; 1) 2)