Choose Life – 3/3 – The Corbett Report #138 – The culture of Death ° The psychopathic elite have presented before us life and death, blessing and cursing. Therefore choose life, that us and our seed may live. ° All Props to James Corbett for this wonderful compilation of insanity and rederick given to us by the ‘experts’ and ‘scientists’ which are nothing more but the mouthpieces of the elitist eugenicists who want to secure the resources of the planet for themselves and their offspring for a new golden age – of serfdom. Now robotics & cloning are so far that they could easily live with 500 million of us being very obedient, numb slaves. Worshiping the Earth as our new religion looking meticulously after our carbon footprints wherever we breathe, heat our homes and pro-create or have offspring – if we even dare. Listen to this excellent compilation of The Corbett Report episode 138 with snippets from the wonderful Freeman & the incomparable Alan Watt while they open our eyes how we have been engineered to believe the ‘we are to many’ hoax. Also very good is this video here which I highly recommend to All who want even more facts: James Corbett’s “Last word of overpopulation” & “What you’ve been missing” It is well understood that certain practices in the world direly need change, like the ongoing disguised wars for resources and the poisoning of our planet – but to always lay the blame on the victim – or shall we say consumer follows the perverted logic of the elite. Blame the ones

Choose Life – 2/3 – The Corbett Report #138 – The culture of Death ° The psychopathic elite have presented before us life and death, blessing and cursing. Therefore choose life, that us and our seed may live. ° All Props to James Corbett for this wonderful compilation of insanity and rederick given to us by the ‘experts’ and ‘scientists’ which are nothing more but the mouthpieces of the elitist eugenicists who want to secure the resources of the planet for themselves and their offspring for a new golden age – of serfdom. Now robotics & cloning are so far that they could easily live with 500 million of us being very obedient, numb slaves. Worshiping the Earth as our new religion looking meticulously after our carbon footprints wherever we breathe, heat our homes and pro-create or have offspring – if we even dare. Listen to this excellent compilation of The Corbett Report episode 138 with snippets from the wonderful Freeman & the incomparable Alan Watt while they open our eyes how we have been engineered to believe the ‘we are to many’ hoax. Also very good is this video here which I highly recommend to All who want even more facts: James Corbett’s “Last word of overpopulation” & “What you’ve been missing” It is well understood that certain practices in the world direly need change, like the ongoing disguised wars for resources and the poisoning of our planet – but to always lay the blame on the victim – or shall we say consumer follows the perverted logic of the elite. Blame the ones

Choose Life – 1/3 – The Corbett Report #138 – The culture of Death ° The psychopathic elite have presented before us life and death, blessing and cursing. Therefore choose life, that us and our seed may live. ° All Props to James Corbett for this wonderful compilation of insanity and rederick given to us by the ‘experts’ and ‘scientists’ which are nothing more but the mouthpieces of the elitist eugenicists who want to secure the resources of the planet for themselves and their offspring for a new golden age – of serfdom. Now robotics & cloning are so far that they could easily live with 500 million of us being very obedient, numb slaves. Worshiping the Earth as our new religion looking meticulously after our carbon footprints wherever we breathe, heat our homes and pro-create or have offspring – if we even dare. Listen to this excellent compilation of The Corbett Report episode 138 with snippets from the wonderful Freeman & the incomparable Alan Watt while they open our eyes how we have been engineered to believe the ‘we are to many’ hoax. Also very good is this video here which I highly recommend to All who want even more facts: James Corbett’s “Last word of overpopulation” & “What you’ve been missing” It is well understood that certain practices in the world direly need change, like the ongoing disguised wars for resources and the poisoning of our planet – but to always lay the blame on the victim – or shall we say consumer follows the perverted logic of the elite. Blame the ones

The New Age deception – William Cooper

Have you been indoctrinated into the New Age / Satanic / Freemasonic belief system?