Kirk Says White House Ready to Move on Korea Trade Deal

March 9 (Bloomberg) — US Trade Representative Ron Kirk talks about the Obama administration’s efforts to rework pending trade accords with Panama and Colombia, and implement an agreement with South Korea. Kirk speaks with Matt Miller, Carol Massar and Peter Cook on Bloomberg Television’s “Street Smart.” (Source: Bloomberg)

Rosen Says a Stronger Yuan Will Help China Manage Growth: Video

April 13 (Bloomberg) — Daniel Rosen, principal of the Rhodium Group in New York, talks with Bloomberg’s Susan Li about US calls for China to allow its currency to appreciate and the impact a stronger yuan would have on the mainland’s economy. US President Barack Obama met yesterday with Chinese President Hu Jintao and reaffirmed his view that it is “important” for China to move toward a “more market-oriented exchange rate,” a White House aide said. Rosen, speaking from New York, also talked about the international gathering aimed at containing the spread of nuclear material. (Source: Bloomberg)