Tribute To EMS By: Don Mathews

was questioning his career choice and rather or not it really mattered to anyone else! He sent the song out to several Fire and EMS departments! He sent the song along with a letter to Louisiana post hurricane Katrina to show his support and received loads of thanks and gratitude in return. It was then sent to the Whitehouse upon which time we were informed that a lot Emergency Response Personnel in NYC and surrounding areas were still having issues coping with our tragedy of September 11, 2001 …

Bo Obama: The First Dog Interview

Bo Obama The Nation’s First Dog answers question during press conference in the Rose Garden concerning Governor Sarah Palins Policy on the aerial killing of wolves in Alaska.

3rd Eye Wisdom – Green Party & Independent Political Action Ralph Nader Cynthia McKinney

Cynthia McKinney, Rosa Clemente and Matt Gonzalez. What is the Green Party? Who are the members? What is Independent Political Action? How is it different from the Democratic and Republican Parties? What next? Vote Independent and Green in 2008! … 2008 president elections green party conscious revolution liberation action hip hop some of all parts politics peace barack obama john maccain palin white house change …

Alex Jones With Congressman Ron Paul 2-2

Radio tv news world … ron paul vote troops alex jones jordan maxwell nwo nazi usa eu peace news tv radio mass murder britney mtv awards 2008 2009 dk space pia gb fogh tags we are change arm cnn cbs music biden palin election simpson oj debate quilty of all 9/11 911 7/7 666 satan bomb xxx duel nashville morgan tree animal baron uran japan mexico bazil afrika afrikan moon politicjp you tube neutron date map seal ffa ffs beat them