
Watch each president transform into his successor. George Washington morphs into John Adams and he into Thomas Jefferson etc. It’s quite scary when JFK morphs into LBJ who blends into Nixon. Then Carter becomes Reagan and, even more surprising is when Bill Clinton becomes George Bush. But, you won’t believe the transition from George Bush into our new, transformational president Barack Obama. What a future awaits us all with such a man!

ARMY WARNING! – Message to all Patriots 2-2

Thanks to user – www.youtube.com LATEST NEWS! – www.infowars.com ……………….melting 24. rule secrecy secret society skull bones masonic freemason famous assassination alien agenda david icke reptile people illusion talk liberty aliens killed tonkin oliver stone terrorists…

Chris Matthews gets his ass handed to him by Ari Fleischer

gentlemen are not even in the same league. Chris would be better served if he just stuck to interviewing the gutless rebublicans. … hardball chris matthews ari fleischer msnbc bush barack obama patriots conservative conservatism values morals ethics principles unite or die america united states freedom liberty happiness constitution rights reagan politics Millhome God religion minutemen nation defense bill of justice for all accountability president candidate white house oval office …

Evolution of Presidents

won’t believe the transition from George Bush into our new, transformational president Barack Obama. What a future awaits us all with such a man! … evolution “past presidents” president “evolution of presidents” patriotic usa “america the beautiful” “Spirit of America” patriot “stars and stripes” “stars & stripes” “july 4th” “fourth of july” “united states” “hail to the chief” pride patriots “White House” whitehouse “obama inauguration” “all the presidents” “barack obama” “george bush …