woody harrelson Talks about society

Spread these videos. Spread awareness. Stop the criminal degredation and abomination of the human race. We are being manipulated to accept a false reality full of hatred, greed, violence, corruption and the degredation of the human being all in the persuit of “happiness”. We must understand that happiness does not come from material possesions. True lasting happines comes from the realisation of what we really are. A spiritual being of infinite potential living a human experience. We are capable of much more the war greed and violence. We can travel the galaxy together. We can take care of our own species. We can love one another. We can start speaking truth. We can explore this Dimension as a unified representation of spirit. We can do that. Or we can continue to live in a manipulated society where our children are brainwashed to adopt certain attitudes and thinking patterns which ensure they will be succesfull worker bee’s for “society”. We can continue to allow our pharmaceutical industries to slowly poison our bodies and our minds. We can continue to allow the religious establishments to rob us of our spirituality and then profit off our spiritual yearnings. Its time to make a choice. Stand up and be counted.


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www.before-this-music-ends.com before this music ends =================== Our world quickly approaches a Point of no Return. We are presented with a Great Opportunity for a Positive Revolutionary and Evolutionary Change Before this music ends Seventy children will have…