[Watch in HD1080p – Those with impaired vision, please do not comment!] – Near a newly found Martian city, which will be closed in on in an upcoming episode, Freyk John Geeris found what might be a large Martian theme park. It looks like a laughing man from above, wearing a hat. In its left eye, clearly visible, you’ll discover a secondary facial feature, an eyeball, which in itself already makes it highly unlikely that this is a natural phenomenon. Together with the visible nose and mouth with lips and teeth, and the right eye visible just under the rim of the hat, on the left, it’s going to be hard for anyone, including any expert, to say this is all a trick of nature, unless they can come up with an example here on Earth that would prove the contrary. Then, if one examines the face a little closer, one can easily detect another two or three carved out faces on its surface embedded. Besides those, the Man In Hat is covered in structures of a variety of forms and sizes! Check it out for yourself, but please only comment if you have something sensible to say. Those with impaired vision, please do not comment at all. [Note: Although we would very much like to show you the unspoiled version, to prevent unauthorized copying and distribution for personal gain by Richard Hoagland and alike, this video has been tagged with a copyright notification throughout. Our sincere apologies.]

Eros and Phobos ANOMALIES

Music : David Bowie – Space Oddity / Eros & Phobos Anomalies I make this video 3 years ago. The quality is not optimal but some pictures must to be explored…

Coast To Coast AM – John Fogerty & Open Lines – C2CAM

CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE LATEST UPDATED VIDEO THAT CAME OUT TODAY Subscribe To Get Notified Of The Latest Releases As They Come Out Date: 10-09-09 Host: George Noory Guests: John Fogerty, Open Lines During Open Lines, George offered a “life changing moments” special topic line. Julie in El Paso, Texas phoned in to share how the late radio DJ Steve Crosno changed her life. Julie told George she called into Crosno’s radio show back in 1963, hoping to win a contest, and was put on hold. While waiting for someone to return to the line, Julie said she began singing along with “Popsicles and Icicles” by The Murmaids. As it turns out, someone had been listening to Julie sing and Crosno asked her to perform on his local television program–which she did off and on for the next 13 years. Julie also sang a bit of “Angel Baby” (by Rosie & The Originals) live for the Coast audience. Geno in St. Louis commented on Friday’s announcement that Barack Obama had won the Nobel Peace Prize. He suggested the President may have been awarded the prize for making a secret peace treaty with humanoid alien races. Geno further conjectured that advanced alien technology may have been shared with the Administration, which they in turn will share with the American people through a government health care program. Ryan in Pensacola, Florida told George about strange green orbs that he witnessed floating above the ground at an outpost several miles from his base in Iraq

C2CAM – Robert the Haunted Doll – Coast To Coast AM

CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE LATEST UPDATED VIDEO THAT CAME OUT TODAY Subscribe To Get Notified Of The Latest Releases As They Come Out Date: 08-20-10 Host: George Noory Guests: Joshua P. Warren In the first half of the show, paranormal investigator Joshua P. Warren presented his report on an allegedly haunted doll on display in a Florida museum. Robert the Doll, as he is known, originally belonged to Key West resident Robert ‘Eugene’ Otto. According to legend, a disgruntled servant of the Otto family, also a Voodoo priestess, made the doll and gave it to Eugene in 1904. Shortly afterward many strange things began to occur in the Otto household. Warren said he was initially warned about Robert by a former Otto house caretaker, who claimed the doll could move on its own and terrorized him to the point that he began sleeping with a weapon. Others cautioned Warren not to photograph the 3-ft tall doll with coal black eyes without first obtaining his permission. The walls around the doll’s museum display are plastered with letters from people detailing the bad luck that had befallen them after snapping shots of Robert without his consent, he explained. Warren, who did ask for (and believes he received) Robert’s permission, described a chain of weird events that happened to him during and after his investigation. Only five out of the 72 3-D photos that he took of Robert developed. In addition, infrared alarm sensors, light bulbs, and internet service

C2CAM – Anomalous Healing – Coast To Coast AM

CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE LATEST UPDATED VIDEO THAT CAME OUT TODAY Subscribe To Get Notified Of The Latest Releases As They Come Out Date: 08-12-10 Host: George Noory Guests: William Bengston, William Henry Prof. Bill Bengston discussed his research into anomalous healing and the laying of hands technique as well as his role in the Society for Scientific Exploration, a professional organization of scientists and scholars who study unusual and unexplained phenomena. The Society, which has over 1000 members, was founded in 1982 by a group of elite scientists who were tired of censorship in such areas as ESP, reincarnation, UFOs, and energy healing. One of the founders of the Society, astrophysicist Peter Sturrock, recently published his memoir of A Tale of Two Sciences, which features both his conventional and unconventional research. After having his chronic back pain healed by (the late) Bennett Mayrick, in a laying of hands technique, Bengston set off to investigate this form of anomalous or energy healing. He arranged for clinical experiments at City University of New York in which mice that had cancerous tumors were treated by skeptical students and teachers– they simply placed their hands in front of the cages of the sick mice. The mice all recovered completely after a number of these healing sessions– formerly the cancerous mice had 100% fatality. The experiment was reproduced a number of times with the same positive benefits, he