ARE YOU STILL SLEEPING? WILL YOU WAKE UP TO THE NEW WORLD ORDER? WILL YOU SUBMIT TO THE ANTICHRIST OR GOD? Logical Proof there is a God: Nothing can come from nothing. Something must come from something. Something cannot come from nothing. You think therefore you exist. Existence is something. The universe (time/space) is something. The universe must have come from something. That something must be Above time/space. The Source is thus Eternal and Infinite. The Source is God. The most important commandment of all the prophets, that which separated them from the polytheists, was Monotheism. They all preached that there is only One God. The same goes for Jesus, peace be upon him. He prayed to God and bowed down to Him. The Qur’an is the last and final Revelation from God. It is for all of mankind. It is unchanged – it is the same for over 1400 years, in the Arabic language. It is without a doubt the greatest literary work in all of Arabic history. It is the most frequently read and memorized book in all of human history. There are millions of people alive who have the entire Qur’an memorized by heart, including children ten years old and younger. The Qur’an also has many scientific and mathematical Miracles in it as well which are still being discovered. The Message is clear – worship The Creator – not the creation, and do good deeds, and you will be rewarded with Eternal Paradise. If God gave us this life, certainly He has The Power to raise us from the dead and give us …
Tag: pipa
Illuminati’s Favorite Goat! History of Baphomet! Baphomet ( from medieval Latin Baphometh, baffometi, Occitan Bafometz) is an imagined pagan deity (ie, a product of Christian folklore concerning pagans), revived in the 19th century as a figure of occultism and Satanism. Often mistaken for Satan, it represents the duality of male and female, as well as Heaven and Hell or night and day signified by the raising of one arm and the downward gesture of the other. It can be taken in fact, to represent any of the major harmonious dichotomies of the cosmos. It first appeared in 11th and 12th century Latin and Provençal as a corruption of “Mahomet”, the Latinisation of “Muhammad”,[1] but later it appeared as a term for a pagan idol in trial transcripts of the Inquisition of the Knights Templar in the early 14th century. The name first came into popular English-speaking consciousness in the 19th century, with debate and speculation on the reasons for the suppression of the Templars.[2] Since 1855, the name Baphomet has been associated with a “Sabbatic Goat” image drawn by Eliphas Lévi. LINK to Original Video (Texe Marrs: Face to Face with the Devil):
History they don’t want you to see feb2012
History they don’t want you to see feb2012
Ancient Aliens German Staffel 2 – Folge #10-10 – Botschaften aus dem All
– für mehr Informationen bitte auf unserem Kanal vorbeischauen ! Dokumentieren altertümliche Höhlenmalereien von seltsamen Kreaturen, dass Außerirdische auf der Erde waren? Wie konnte eine asphaltartige Substanz in den gyptischen Pyramiden verbaut werden? Den damaligen Bauherren fehlte das nötige Wissen dazu. Bekamen sie die Anleitung vielleicht von unbekannten Lebewesen? Wie sind die zahlreichen Meldungen aus allen Erdteilen über Ufo-Sichtungen zu beurteilen? Dies sind nur einige der Fragen, die in der neuen Reihe untersucht werden. Erich von Däniken, bekanntester und umstrittenster Vertreter der sogenannten Pr — Astronautik, glaubt, dass vor Tausenden von Jahren Aliens auf der Erde gelandet sind. Angeblich wurden sie wie Götter verehrt und haben die menschliche Zivilisation beeinflusst. Aber welche Belege gibt es dafür? Befürworter dieser Theorie legen zwei Arten von Beweisen vor: antike und religiöse Texte und Relikte wie Höhlenmalereien, steinerne Skulpturen und auch Bauten wie die Pyramiden. Von Folge zu Folge werden diese Indizien erforscht.
Resistance is Victory: The Tide Is Turning
When The People take the battlefield in the Infowar, they begin to have victories. Here’s just a few examples of recent victories– both partial and whole– from the campaign to Stop SOPA, to Ron Paul’s 2012 campaign, the movement to remove dangerous chemicals from our food, water and vaccines, to the battle to stop the police state– with many more victories to come in 2012. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton herself admitted that the big brother state was losing the Infowar. Ideas are bulletproof. Remember what Victor Hugo said: ‘No army can stop an idea whose time has come.’