Kommt/kam im Jahr 2012 ein wundersamer “Synchronisationsstrahl” aus dem All zu uns auf die Erde?

Rätsel & Mysterien der Welt – der Channel des Schriftstellers, Journalisten und Phänomene-Jägers Lars A. Fischinger. Viele Freunde vom Mythos 2012 meinen, dass ein wundersamer “Synchronisationsstrahl” 2012 unsere Erde erreichen wird oder besser schon erreicht hat. Angeblich, so weiter, habe die NASA das klar messen/nachweisen können. Ein Thema, das vor allem von dem 2012-Autor Dieter Broers bekannt gemacht wurde (aber schon ähnlich 1987 in dem Buch “Der Maya-Faktor” von José Ergüelles postuliert wurde). So etwa Broers: “So berichtete kürzlich die NASA, dass eine Energiewelle von nicht für möglich gehaltener Intensität — kurzzeitig so intensiv wie die Energie des gesamten Universums — direkt auf die Erde gerichtet war.”” Doch hier liegt ein Irrtum vor, den Broers unlängst korrigiert hat! Was aber wohl in der “2012-Szene” ungehört blieb … Links: • www.Fischinger-online.blogspot.de • www.twitter.com • www.facebook.com Alles zu 2012 & Co. detailliert in meinem Buch “Die Akte 2012” … “Es muss nicht alles so sein, es kann auch ganz anders sein. Manche Rätsel sind Scheinrätsel, manche werden zu welchen gemacht, manche aber widerstehen ziemlich hartnäckig allzu glatten Erklärungsversuchen.” (Walter-Jörg Langbein, 1993)

Recreating The Past – The Merkaba & The Ancient Planetary Stargates – Part VIII

LINKS & CREDITS BELOW: en.wikipedia.org Hyperdimensional physics Hoagland has proposed a form of physics he calls ‘hyperdimensional physics which, supported by the work of pseudoscientific overunity claimant Thomas E. Bearden, he claims to represent the full implementation of James Clerk Maxwell’s original 20 quaternion equations, instead of the reduced Maxwell’s equations as amended by Oliver Heaviside commonly taught today. These ideas are rejected by the mainstream physics community as unfounded. A tenet of these views holds that vast amounts of energy originating from dimensions we cannot perceive are available at latitudes 19.5° both south and north on the Sun and every planet in the solar system. Hoagland points to the colossal volcano, Olympus Mons, on Mars as the supreme example, in addition to Earth’s biggest volcano, Mauna Loa on the island of Hawaiʻi, and the Anticyclonic storm on Jupiter. The center of Olympus Mons is at 18.3°N 227°E.and the massive shield spans 14°N to 24°N. Jupiter’s Great Red Spot is centered at 22°S. According to Hoagland, an essential prediction of his theory is that a massive planet is yet to be discovered in the solar system. To date, no research conducted in mainstream astronomy would appear to substantiate these theories. Credits to Nassim Haramein for his stargate theory. Thanks SheilaAliens for allowing me to borrow some UFO footage near a volcano! Music credits: 1. Tranceanimation – Ambient Set Outtake 2. Flexflow by HE-LUX (www

Mars Rover Curiosity Planet Exploration NASA Alien Life Search

www.youtube.com – mars rover curiosity planet exploration nasa alien life search seti ovni martian landing science real star trek outer space comicon seticon richard hoagland coast to coast am cydonia secrets universe martians olympics unknown mysteries gale crater water lifeforms save today new this week month news unexplained aliens ufo flying saucer rovers jpl mars rover curiousity planet exploration nasa alien life search seti ovni martian landing science real star trek outer space pictures photos comicon seticon first pics richard hoagland coast to am cydonia secrets universe martians olympics stephenville texas tarleton university unknown mysteries gale crater water lifeforms save today new this week month news unexplained aliens unsolved ufo flying saucer rovers jpl

Warmists Admit To Faking Temperature Records — New Zealand

NiWAGate, the latest development in the series of scandals exposing the massive anti-scientific, criminal fraud that is the mythos of “man-made climate change”. www.scoop.co.nz www.c3headlines.com From Alan Watt’s January 3, 2011 broadcast. Listen to Alan’s shows and donate to him at www.cuttingthroughthematrix.com Alan Watt Cutting Through Matrix Climategate NiWA NiWAGate New Zealand climate center agency admits fudging data to fake global warming bogus science fake fraud anti scientific conmen phil jones keith briffa michael mann ipcc CRU crew of pirates gang of criminal professors fraudsters hide the decline cooling global temperatures lord monckton alex jones infowars cancun world government deal tax cash for UN eugenicist ghouls to set up massive bureaucracies all across planet planetary regime to enforce socialism depopulation eugenics

They Know Nibiru is coming

uyghur.nl www.infowars.com www.jordanmaxwell.com www.redicecreations.com www.rense.com truthfrequencyradio.com www.jimmarrs.com www.lloydpye.com www.davidicke.com www.michaeltsarion.com www.vaticanassassins.org iamthewitness.com