Bill Hicks ★ Revelations ★ Complete (Entire Video)

Bill Hick performing live at the Dominion Theater in London. This is the entire show all on one video! FAIR USE NOTICE: This Video may contain copyrighted (©) material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. Such material is made available to advance understanding of ecological, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, moral, ethical, and social justice issues, etc. It is believed that this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 USC Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior general interest in receiving similar information for research and educational purposes. All comedy and filming production are the intellectual property of those listed. If you enjoy the comedy, please honor the rights of the owners to receive compensation for their gifts and effort – purchase their work.

All In The Union

Is everybody in?…Then let the scamming begin! I’m Dandy Truman, President of the System Workers Union (Local 101). Welcome to This Week in Big Government and the USSA, where Union members are busy…workin’ at nothing all day. I’m the resident guru here and I’ll teach you to lie, cheat and step on peoples feet. So get hooked on Obamanomics with Dandy Truman while supplies still last…this is a “how to” video, best enjoyed with an iced cold glass of grape Kool Aid.