gentlemen are not even in the same league. Chris would be better served if he just stuck to interviewing the gutless rebublicans. … hardball chris matthews ari fleischer msnbc bush barack obama patriots conservative conservatism values morals ethics principles unite or die america united states freedom liberty happiness constitution rights reagan politics Millhome God religion minutemen nation defense bill of justice for all accountability president candidate white house oval office …
Tag: politics
Big Pharma Rip Off
the state of California is sitting on 3 billion dollars for embryonic stem cell research … Cures Big Pharma Rip Off MS MD Spinal cancer Sidley Austin McConnell david hawkins 9/11 Rothschild NWO EU Russia Global Strike Economy Ice Warming Bombs Bilderberg Iraq Girls Rockefeller Swine Flu Alan Watt Matrix illuminati Club of Rome group CFR TLC WTO WHO Romans 13 TBN John Hagee Satan Occult freemasons 33 degree all seeing eye Angles Demons Pope International Bankers IMF G-20 Alex Jones Politics …
Wake Up Call New World Order Documentary Remastered 10 of 16
Estulin, Jim Tucker, Ted Gunderson, Anthony Hilder, Professor Steven Jones, Webster Tarpley, George Carlin, John Taylor Gatto, Charlotte Iserbyt, Dave vonKleist, Stan Monteith and others… Please spread the word as much as you can! … new world order impeach george bush globalization government 911 alex jones infowars we are change north american union nau cfr bilderberg elite power military stock market money global currency monetary policy economy history glenn beck lou dobbs …
Architects of Control – Michael Tsarion Program one part 12 of 16HQ http
Architects of Control – Michael Tsarion Program one part 8 of 16HQ http